TB 1-1500-341-01
h. Condition Change ("CC") Item. An item that is changed and repaired on an "as-needed" basis. This item does not have a TBO assigned, therefore it is
not overhauled.
i. Time Between Overhaul (TBO). The established allowable operating time since new or overhauled, that an item can be operated before it must be
removed from service and returned to a depot level facility for overhaul. Time since new will not be "zeroed." Time since overhaul will be "zeroed" after an
overhaul. Number of previous overhauls will be increased by one after an overhaul.
4. General Instructions.
In the event that you receive items that are of a later configuration or higher dash number (Part Number) which are not
included in this TB, a DA Form 2410 (Component Removal and Repair/Overhaul Record) shall be prepared and submitted to
Commander, U.S. Aviation and Missile Command, ATTN: AMSAM-MMC-MA-NC (2410), Redstone Arsenal, AL 35898-
5000. Make an entry on DA Form 2408-16 (Aircraft Component Historical Record), 2408-16-1 (History Recorder,
Component, Module Record), 2408-33-R (Meter Tracked Component Record), or AMSAM-MMC Form 719 (OH58D
Side/Transverse Roof Beam Retirement Life Worksheet) in accordance with existing instructions.
a. The required method of maintaining aviation maintenance forms and historical data collection on important aircraft components/parts is prescribed in
DA PAM 738-751 (The Army Maintenance Management System - Aviation (TAMMS-A)). The successful collection and utilization of this data is solely
dependent upon the timely and accurate processing of all required forms.
b. DA Forms 2408-16, 2408-16-1, 2408-33-R, and AMSAM Form 719 serve as permanent records for important historical data applicable to
components, sub-components and parts. These forms identify components, sub-components or parts installed on an end item. The components, sub-components
and parts identified in this Technical Bulletin (TB) will be entered on one or more of those forms. The accuracy of all entries on the forms cannot be
overemphasized, since they are the primary data source for the completion of DA Form 2410.
c. The DA Form 2410 data allows AMCOM to track where the item is currently installed and where it has been installed in the past, tracks time on the
item, shows repairs/overhauls, shows who made the repair/overhaul and provides other current and historical data to be used by AMCOM, the engineering
community, and the Program Managers for analysis. Upon removal of a component, sub-component and/or part from a higher component or an aircraft, a new
set of DA Form 2410 will be completed and distributed in accordance with DA Pamphlet 738-751. When an item is removed a 2410, copy 1, will be completed
to show the removal. If the item is inspected/repaired, copy 2, will be completed. All parts replaced during the inspection/repair will be listed on the backside of
copy 2. When the item is (re)installed, copy 3, will be completed. Failure to comply with this requirement could result in the mandatory condemnation or early
overhaul of the affected component, thereby causing a drain on the Army's economic and maintenance resources.
d. Normal entries on DA Form 2408-16, 2408-16-1, 2408-33-R, and 2410 will be completed as outlined in DA Pamphlet 738-751. ULLS-A units will
maintain the DA Form 2408-33-R and certain 2408-16 entries manually.