TB 1-1670-260-12
___ Change wording in the Note following current paragraphs 7e (references 1b-
1d) and 7f (References 1e-1g) from "secured to an appropriate airframe point" to read
"secured to a defined airframe point in Figure 2." Change wording in current paragraphs 7e(17) (references 1b-1d) and 7f(17)
(references 1e-1g), from "appropriate area of airframe" to read " areas of the Note, "Improper rigging of the tailboom sling at the FS 450.66 Jack Fitting can
result in damage to the tailboom." For procedures concerning tying the lower tail rotor blades to the airframes
contact AMSAM-RD-AE-I-P-A (Mr. Lee Bumbicka). Basically tie the lower blade
from the tail rotor to the disabled AH-64 helicopter using a fixed length tie-down
(without snap hook). Wrap tie-down to preclude blade flapping during flight- -if further
clarification is required or procedures for tying the lower
tail rotor blade to the airframe of the disabled helicopter contact Mr. Lee Bumbicka
AMCOM Engineering for a sketch or picture. Use of Drogue Chute for disabled aircraft recovery may compromise the
airworthiness of the recovered aircraft, therefore perform phase maintenance inspection
prior to the return of the aircraft to flight status." Ensure that the recovery parameters (limitations) listed in Figure 1 are not
exceeded. If Table 4 parameters are exceeded or it cannot be determined that Figure 1
parameters were met, then contact AMSAM-RD-AE-I-P-A (Mr. Lee Bumbicka) for
corrective action or disposition.