TM 1-1500-204-23-1
(8) Partly
aircraft for the night, or provide some other opening to
prevent accumulation of frost on windows.
(9) Clean dirt, ice, and grit from landing
gear struts and hydraulic pistons. Wipe struts with a
clean cloth saturated in hydraulic fluid, MIL-H-5606.
Inspect struts for proper inflation.
Inspect tires for proper Inflation.
Install or remove snow and ice-
grip tires to comply with change of seasons. Use of
snow and ice grip tires on clear, hard surfaced runways
reduces the life and effectiveness of the tires.
In emergency arctic conditions,
tie down aircraft using trees or the arctic-type mooring
anchor shown in figure 10-2. The following procedures
can be used to construct an arctic-type mooring.
Thaw ground with fire where pit is to
be dug.
During thawing operation, no aircraft
will be parked within a 100-foot
radius of operation. Damage to
equipment may otherwise result.
Dig pit a minimum of 3 feet
deep and wide enough to accommodate a 3-foot length
of log or similar object.
Connect rope, insert log or
similar object and fill pit with gravel and snow.
10-3. Desert Maintenance. The following paragraphs
contain the basic principles and procedures which are
essential for efficient utilization of aircraft, equipment,
and personnel in desert areas. In the desert, aircraft
can be protected from deterioration problems by using
maintaining regular inspections. These paragraphs are
not considered as a substitute for detailed maintenance
and operating instructions, but as a supplement to each
aircraft operation and maintenance manual.
Figure 10-2. Arctic-type Mooring