TM 1-1500-204-23-1
c. Cleaning of Corrosion Prone Areas. Specific
efforts shall be made to clean all corrosion prone areas
as frequently as possible, even if unusual conditions
prevent complete aircraft cleaning. Refer to the
applicable maintenance manual.
d. Post-Cleaning. Corrosion prevention depends
on carrying out the prescribed preservation and
lubrication procedures. Strict compliance with the
procedures shall be done in the following order:
(1) Remove covers from all static vents,
pilot tubes, air ducts, heater ducts, etc. Tape shall be
removed from all other openings sealed with masking
(2) Clean all drain holes by inserting a
probe such as a pipe cleaner except where pressurized
flapper valves are located. Assure that all areas
accumulating water have been drained. Whenever this
is recurring problem, procedures shall be developed and
implemented to remove entrapped water and prevent
(3) Inspect for corrosion and deterioration
as part of routine maintenance procedures.
(4) Relubricate, preserve, and seal.
(5) Polish and wax.
13-3. Cleaning Safety. All cleaning procedures should
be accomplished with the applicable maintenance
manual. Proper precautions must be taken when
working with cleaning substances.
Change 3 13-3/(13-4 blank)
The use of cleaning agents with high
alkaline content should not be used.
Failure to comply with this note will cause
components and assemblies to corrode
at an accelerated rate. At no time should
cleaners high in alkaline be used in areas
that have parts made of magnesium or
aluminum or other areas not protected
by a corrosion protective coating.