TM 1-1500-204-23-7
(d) Check for traces of fluorescent penetrants on skin, clothes and gloves using blacklight source.
(e) When using penetrant, emulsifier, and developers the operator should wear a protective face shield
or goggles
Injury to eyes and skin may occur when blacklight is not used in accordance with manufacturer's
instructions. Unfiltered light sources (if filter is required) may possibly damage the eyes.
Follow manufacturer's instructions when using blacklight sources and filter all light sources requiring
The temperature of some operating black light bulbs reaches 750 °F (3990C) or more during
operation. This is above the ignition or flashpoint of fuel vapors. These vapors will burst
into flame If they contact the bulb. These black lights SHALL NOT be operated when
flammable vapors are present.
The bulb temperature also heats the external surfaces of the lamp housing. The temperature is not
high enough to be visually apparent, but is high enough to cause severe burns with even momentary
contact of exposed body surfaces. Extreme care must be exercised to prevent contacting the
housing with any part of the body.
Temperatures in excess of 120 °F (49°C) may cause bursting of the pressurized can and injury to
Store all pressurized spray cans in a cool, dry area protected from direct sunlight. Avoid exposure of
pressurized spray cans to open flames.
Volatile fumes may occur, creating both a fire and health hazard
Do not place used chemicals In drainage systems, surface waters, land fills, or dumps.
Contamination of these areas can cause severe, and possibly fatal, health problems.
Exercise caution when handling penetrants which have been heated to the point where some of their
lighter constituents are driven off 3-8. Quality Control of Penetrants. Compatibility and availability of penetrants are
covered In the following paragraphs.
Compatibility. Each penetrant Inspection material's manufacturer has its own formulation for penetrants,
lipophilic emulsifiers and hydrophilic removers Penetrants and lipophilic emulsifiers or hydrophilic remover combinations
produced by a single manufacturer are considered a system, therefore, the components are not interchangeable from
one manufacture to another. Mixing of manufacturers will not provide for optimum performance and in some cases this
practice will eliminate any chance of detecting defects. The following system concept conditions apply to the use of
developers and solvent removers'
Different types of developers or solvent removers (i.e. soluable and suspended developers or solvent
based and oil based removers) shall not be used or mixed together.
Developers and removers from different manufacturers shall not be used or mixed together even if they
are the same type.
Developers and removers with different part numbers, but the same type and manufacturer shall not be
used or mixed together.
Availability of Penetrants The use of the group of penetrants made by one manufacturer is commonly referred to
as the system concept This concept requires special considerations when replacement penetrants are required.
Activities should plan to purchase penetrant systems periodically on a competitive basis. The perpetual procurement of
replacement penetrants from a single or sole source should be avoided.