TM 1-1500-204-23-7
Film badges. The film badge is used mainly to measure X or gamma radiation and the more energetic
beta radiation. However, special TLD or film dosimeters are readily available for measuring neutron radiation. The film
badge is meant to provide a permanent record of the cumulative exposure received by an individual while working in a
radiation environment. In order that the exposure received by the film badge be a good indication of that received by the
whole body of the Individual, the badge shall be worn between the neck and the waist. The film badges shall be worn
clipped to the breast pocket of the outer garment, if possible. The badge should never be placed inside a pocket. If
exposure to the arms, hands, or head is likely to be different from exposure delivered to the body, special film holders
are available.
Electrical Precautions. All switches and electrical equipment shall be of the enclosed explosion-proof type. All
metal apparatus shall be grounded to avoid the danger of igniting test fluid fumes or creating electrical shock.
5-9/(5-10 blank)