TM 1-1500-204-23-9
Lifted paint will be flushed by starting at the bottom and
working upward, keeping the flushing liquids, off the
unwashed parts. After flushing thoroughly, continue
cleaning in accordance with TM 55-1500-333-24. Tape
and loosened paint may be removed by hand or by
using water under pressure.
(6) Stripping in Confined Locations. On occasion, it
may be impractical to use emulsified paint remover
because of complexities of assembly and rinsing
difficulties. In these cases, remove acrylic paint with
solvent materials such as ethyl acetate, Federal
Specification TT-T-266, or dichloromethane, Military
Specification MIL-D-6998. Remove polyurethane paint
by mechanical means.
Prolonged breathing of solvent fumes
must be avoided as serious health
problems may result. Use only in well
ventilated areas.
1 Application of solvents. After appropriate
masking, apply solvents with soft bristle brush or clean
cloth. Allow solvent to remain on surface until paint has
softened and lifted. To keep the area wet with solvent, it
may be necessary to keep a cloth on the surface and
keep the cloth saturated with solvent.
2 Removal of solvents. Wipe all of the solvent
away with a clean damp cloth, frequently rinsing cloth in
clean water. Repeat steps (1) through (3) in paragraph
d as necessary until all paint and residue have been
removed from metal surface including recesses and
around rivets, bolts, etc. Wipe clean and dry with clean,
lint-free cloth, Federal Specification CCC-C-46.
(7). Special Conditions. Where difficulty is
encountered on magnesium surfaces, paint may be
Specification MIL-M-3171.
d. Mechanical Removal from Metals. Mechanical
removal of paints is recommended on non-clad
aluminum alloys, steel, copper, and titanium where
chemical removal would be impractical because of
structural complexities or rinsing difficulties.
(1) Aluminum and aluminum alloys. The
mechanical removal method is recommended on all
non-clad aluminum alloys. Procedures are as follows:
(a) Remove paint from non-clad aluminum alloy
extrusions, tubing, and ducts with an abrasive nylon
mat, MIL-A-9962; Aluminum wool, FF-W-1825, or
Federal Specification P-P-101, No. 400, abrasive
paper. Do not use steel wool.
The use of goggles or face shield is
mandatory since paint particles can break
loose and fly off.
Do not use steel brush or steel wool on
aluminum surfaces. Metal particles will
be- come embedded in the aluminum,
causing corrosion by galvanic action
between dissimilar metals.
(b) A hand-operated, air-powered, drill motor with
rotary brass wire brush or abrasive flap brush may be
used on heavy structural non-clad aluminum alloys.
(c) Wipe area with clean damp cloth followed by
wiping dry, with a clean, dry, lint-free cloth. Areas may
be blown with warm, oil-free air or gaseous nitrogen.
(2) Stainless steel. Normally stainless steel parts
are not painted. However, if paint is present, it may be
necessary to remove it before recoating or prior to
corrosion removal using the following procedures:
The use of goggles or face shield is
mandatory when using motor driven
(a) Mechanical methods include abrasive
blasting, grinding, and wire brushing. (Obviously, the
severe abrasive action of abrasive blasting or grinding
cannot be used to remove paint from thin wall items).
Do not use common steel wool or wire brushes on
stainless steel. Wire particles may become embedded
in the surface and may later corrode. Use only stainless
steel wool or wire brushes. Nonmetallic abrasive such
as clean silica sand shall be used for abrasive blasting.
(b) After completing mechanical removal, polish
the surface first with Aluminum Oxide, Abrasive Cloth P-
C-451, grit size 80 and finish with grit size 240.