TM 1-1500-204-23-9
Close the bottle pressure outlet valve
and the regulator pressure outlet valve.
Disconnect the filler line from the equip
ment being serviced.
(5) Inspection. The following general operator
inspections apply to the oxygen servicing unit. Detailed
inspection requirements are contained in the applicable
maintenance manual.
(a) Regulator pressure outlet valve. Verify
that the valve is fully closed.
(b) Bottle pressure outlet valve. Verify that
the valve is fully closed.
(6) Maintenance. Consult the applicable main-
tenance manual for scheduled and preventive mainte-
nance requirements.
Hydraulic Fluid Dispenser-Bleeder.
NSN 4910-00-245-1832
(Formerly NSN 4920-00-245-1832)
This machine must be used only by properly
trained and qualified personnel.
This type construction requires special proce-
dures in filling the dispenser and charging it
with compressed air. Read and understand all
labels on the machine before operating. Nev-
er exceed 50 PSI when charging fluid dis-
penser bleeder.
Check all controls before each use. If any al-
terations or substitutions have been made,
(1) Purpose. The hydraulic fluid dispenser-
bleeder (NSN 4910-00-245-1832) contains a Buna-N
bladder in which air pressure is maintained in order to
eject oil from the machine. This special bladder is
approximately the same size as the tank and when filled
with air approximately fills the tanks volume. The pur-
pose of the bladder is to separate the hydraulic fluid in the
tank from the compressed air used to expel fluid into a
hydraulic system thereby insuring that no air or con-
densation will contaminate the hydraulic fluid or brake
(2) Operating procedures. To fill the dispenser-
bleeder proceed as follows:
Depress bleeder valve located UNDER
THE PRESSURE GAUGE. Do not tamper with the pres-
sure relief valve. This bleeder valve drains the bladder air
cavity of pressure.
To deflate the bladder completely, while
continuing to press bleeder valve, put no more than 10
PSI of air pressure into the fluid cavity of the tank through
the air valve located in the filler cap. This will reduce the
size of the bladder to allow maximum oil capacity in the
tank and all air in the bladder will be ejected through the
bleeder valve.
(c) When all air stops coming from the
bladder bleeder valve, thus indicating that the bladder is
flat, release the bleeder valve.
Release the air pressure in the oil cavity
of the tank by pressing TANK bleeder valve. Only if pres-
sure gauge reads zero and no further air flows from
TANK bleeder valve and bleeder valve located UNDER
THE PRESSURE GAUGE, remove the filler cap.
Never operate machine if filler cap (NSN
4910-01-127-7365) is not in place.
Pour up to 5 gallons of hydraulic fluid
into the tank. Replace filler cap and tighten with wrench.
Inflate bladder through the AJE valve
Protect eyes from oil spray.
Bleed all trapped air from the fluidcavity
by pressing the TANK bleeder valve and holding it until
a clear stream of hydraulic oil ejects.
Inflate bladder through AIR valve under
pressure gauge. Do not exceed 50 PSI. Should PRES-
SURF RELIEF valve open, stop inflating immediately.
Recharge the bladder as required. If 3
1/2 to 4 gallons of oil are used to charge the tank, a
sufficient air cavity will be left to expel the liquid charge
with a single air charge.
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