NAVAIR 01-1A-505-2
002 01
TO 00-25-255-1
Page 2
TM 1-1500-323-24-2
Do not perform wire repair while using
explosive solvent/paint products on the
When using a heat tool, do not use electrical
Do not perform hot work without specific
power from the aircraft being repaired. Use
authorization of activity Aviation Gas Free
electrical power from a ground power unit.
Engineer (AVGFE) or Gas Free Engineer(GFE).
Use of nitrogen with the HT-900B/HT-920B
The HT-900B, HT-920B, HT-71002 and
heat gun in an enclosed area can be hazardous.
MCH-100-A heat guns are the only authorized
Discharge of nitrogen into a poorly ventilated
heat guns to be used when working on aircraft
area can result in asphyxiation.
that have not been defueled and purged. The
aircraft must be defueled and purged before
using any other heat guns listed in this manual.
Be careful if using metal tools (M81969). These
Aircraft with open fuel cells or broken or open
tools can damage the wire sealing grommet in
fuel lines shall be certified gas free in accordance
the connector. Plastic tools are preferred.
with NAVAIR 01-1A-35, or AF T.O. 1-1-3. Only
Inspect tool tips for damage or distortion before
the HT-900B/HT-920B, HT-71002, MCH-100-A
use. Damage to the connector wire sealing
heating tools are authorized for use on any
grommet can occur.
aircraft whenever AVGAS, JP-4 or the presence
of any type of fuel is imposing an immediate
Avoid using metal tooling to remove and install
backshells. These tools can damage the
backshell and connector. Non-metallic tools
When using heat guns with electric motors,
are designed to wear before damaging
recertification may be required as work
connector or backshell.
progresses, as directed by the Aviation Gas
Free Engineering Technician (AVGFET).
Do not remove a contact attached to a broken
wire with an unwired contact removal tool.
The MCH-100-A heat gun has been
The tool and connector may be damaged. Wire
strands may be encountered at any point up to
for flight line or flight deck use. All other
/16 inch of tool insertion. Do not force tool if
electric motor type heat guns are not authorized
wire strands are encountered. Withdraw tool
for flight line or flight deck use due to
any time it cannot be advanced into connector.
Inspect tool tip for nicks, cracks, mushrooming,
motor type heating tools are safe for use by
and other damage that will prevent proper
personnel at the organizational maintenance
functioning. Replace removal tool and repeat
level to repair aircraft wiring in a hangar or
procedure if required.
hangar deck / flight line environment,
provided the aircraft meets the gas-free
environment criteria (NAVAIR 01-1A-35, or
AF T.O. 1-1-3), and there are no EMI restrictions.