NAVAIR 01-1A-505-2
009 03
TO 00-25-255-1
Page 17
TM 1-1500-323-24-2
Figure 12. Tightening Position of Wrench
17. CONDUIT FITTINGS. Conduit fittings are used to
adapters are protective coverings over any portion of
connect a conduit to a connector, and may be either a
a cable, wire or connector in addition to normal jacketing
ferrule, nut, adapter, box fitting, 45 elbow, 90 elbow,
or insulation. A protective housing usually made from
hex nut, or seal assembly. See WP 007 03 for detail
a resilient material to prevent entry of moisture into a
information on conduit fittings: AN3050, AN 3051,
connector. See WP 008 03 for detail information on
AN3052, AN3053, AN3054, AN 3055, AN 3056, AN3060,
adapters: M85049/60-1, M85049/60-2G, MS3158 and
AN3061, AN3062, AN3063, AN3066, AN3068, and
shrink boots: AS3109, AS3117. The listed adapters are
AN3067. See Note following paragraph 2 this WP on
intended to be used with these shrink boots. See Note
AS, M and MS prefix.
following paragraph 2 this WP on AS, M and MS
provided and shall be used to stow unmated plugs,
caps or protective covers when the related component
RFI grounding terminations are used to ground or
is not in operational use. The dummy receptacle shall
shield a connector to reduce the electromagnetic
be marked and located to permit easy location and
access. See WP 006 04 for detail information on dummy
equipment. A physical and electrical shield is employed
which is terminated at one or both ends to a ground or
following paragraph 2 this WP on AS, M and MS
some other predetermined point with respect to ground.
Shields can be applied to individual wires, cables,
bundles, or harnesses. See WP 007 03 for detail
19. DUST CAPS. Protective covers are more commonly
information on grounding terminator M818121, and
called dust caps. The purpose of dust caps is to prevent
ferrules: MS21980, and MS 21981. See Note following
dirt from entering connectors, pins, and sockets and to
paragraph 2 this WP on AS, M and MS prefix.
prevent coupling device from damage. See WP 006 04
for detail information on dust caps: M83723/59-1,
16. E M I / R F I
M83723/59-2, M83723/60-1, M83723/60-2, and
INSTALLATION. EMI/RFI grounding terminator
MS90376-18. See Note following paragraph 2 this WP
installation procedures are contained in Figure 13.
on AS, M and MS prefix.