NAVAIR 01-1A-505-2
010 02
TO 00-25-255-1
Page 3
TM 1-1500-323-24-2
Rack and Panel or push-pull coupling.
Materials Required
High density insert arrangements.
Part No.
Low level circuit capacities.
Brush, Acid Swabbing
Fluid resistant classes.
Sleeving, Insulating,
5. WIRE SEALING. Wire sealing is accomplished by
the use of a grommet seal which is designed to seal
(or equivalent)
against outside diameter of inserted wire. The outer
diameter shall be within applicable size range as
2. This Work Package (WP) pertains to connectors
6. INSERTS. The resilient material used for all inserts
manufactured in accordance with MIL-C-81703. There
shall be high grade dielectric having electrical and
are three series of environment resistant, circular,
mechanical characteristics suitable for the purpose
miniature, rack and panel, or push-pull coupling
intended. The impact strength shall be such that material
connectors, and accessories. Each series contains
shall not chip, crack, or break during assembly or
hermetic receptacles.
normal maintenance.
7. INSERT ARRANGEMENT. The insert arrangement
is number and size of contacts available by shell size
As all NAVAIR connector and accessory
(Table 1). The insert arrangements are specified in
documents are transitioned to non-government
MS33698, MS33699, MS33700, MS33701, MS33702,
standards, (the Society of Automotive Engineers
MS33703, and MS33704.
(SAE), will become the preparing activity and
the Navy will adopt the documents), the
8. I N S E R T C O N F I G U R A T I O N . T h e i n s e r t
drawing number prefix will change from MS to
configuration is the manner in which contacts are placed
AS. The main part number designation remains
within the insert in a standard configuration. All
the same, with the "M" prefix, such as M81511/
arrangements identified in Table 1 are illustrated
17-08. At times the entire item may be
(Figure 1).
superseded by another. There are many cases
where documents have been cancelled without
9. INTERMATEABILITY. All connectors within the
replacements, each case was reviewed and some
same series are completely intermateable.
information has been retained in this volume
"for reference use only".
a. Series 1 push-pull plugs will intermate with all
series 1, 2, and 3 receptacles.
3. DESCRIPTION. The connectors are identified as
Series 1, 2, or 3 and feature solder contacts, front, or rear
b. Series 3 push-pull plugs will not intermate
release crimp contacts. The connectors are designed to
with series 1 and 2 receptacles or MS3182 protective
withstand overall temperatures from -67F (-55C) to
covers (due to five key provision).
+392F (+200C). The actual temperature range varies
for each series connectors.
Rack and panel plugs will mate with square
4. Electrical, mechanical, and environmental features
of these connectors include:
plugs do not mate with the series 1 and 2 single hole
mount receptacles.
a. Environment resisting at sea level and high