NAVAIR 01-1A-505-3
TO 1-1A-14-3
TM 1-1500-323-24-3
004 02
Page 12
for connectors of 26 contacts or less. Connectors with
a. Insert contact squarely into insulator, by hand
more than 26 contacts will have two spares of each
until resistance is felt. (See Figure 8 example of tool).
size used. Contacts may also be ordered in individual
quantities when necessary.
b. Select correct insertion tool (Table 2).
c. Position insertion tool at end of contact and
apply pressure until contact locks in the insulator. A
23. Wire Stripping. Strip wire in accordance with
slight click may be heard as retention tines snap into
following procedure:
place behind contact shoulder.
a. Cut wire to proper length. Ensure enough
d. Pull tool straight out of contact cavity. Pull
wire remains for adequate strain relief without
back lightly on wire to ensure contact is properly
leaving excess slack.
b. Strip insulation from end (NAVAIR 01-1A-
505-1, WP 009 00). For removable contacts select
contact using Table 1.
24. Contact Crimping. Crimp contact in accordance
with following procedure:
Caution should be exercised in the use of
tooling. Inspect tips of metal tools for
a. Select correct crimp tool (Table 2).
distortion of the probe before use, as damage
to the wire sealing grommet of the connector
b. Position contact in tool.
can occur.
c. Insert stripped wire in contact.
d. Crimp contact to wire.
Remove wired, unwired, and broken wire
contacts in accordance with following
e. Pull contact lightly to ensure a good crimp
was made.
a. Select correct removal tool (Table 2) (see
f. Inspect crimp to ensure no wire strands are
Figure 9 example of tool).
outside of contact.
b. Position tool from front end of connector
squarely over contact and slide tool until shoulder
butts against insert (Figure 10).
c. Press and hold plunger and remove contact
from rear of insert (Figure 11).
Caution should be exercised in the use of
tooling. Inspect tips of metal tools for
distortion of the probe before use, as damage
28. Wire wrapped connections are formed by hand or
to the wire sealing grommet of the connector
by a power tool. In either case, use nickel-plated,
can occur.
solid copper wire, AWG sizes No. 20, 22, 24, or 26.
Insert wired or unwired contacts in
accordance with following procedure: