NAVAIR 01-1A-505-3
TO 1-1A-14-3
TM 1-1500-323-24-3
005 02
Page 38
1 September 2011
c. Crimp contact onto wire (NAVAIR 0l-lA-505-
1, WP 013 00).
52. CONTACT REMOVAL. Perform the following
procedures to remove contacts from connector. Refer to
Pull wire lightly to ensure a good crimp.
Figure 2 thru 10 for tooling information as they apply to
each type of connector. Figure 24 shows a typical
removal tool for this connector series.
Caution should be exercised in the use of
tooling. Inspect tips of metal tools for
distortion of the probe before use, as damage
Caution should be exercised in the use of
to the wire sealing grommet of the connector
tooling. Inspect tips of metal tools for
can occur.
distortion of the probe before use, as damage
to the wire sealing grommet of the connector
e. Inspect contact to ensure no wire strands are
can occur.
outside of contact crimp barrel.
a. Place wire of contact to be removed into slot of
f. Insert tip of contact and wire into specified
removal tool with tapered end of tool toward contact.
contact cavity ensuring contact and wire are axially
aligned with cavity.
b. Press tool into slot and slide tool back until tip
opens and accepts wire.
g. Push contact into cavity until it bottoms and a
click is heard.
c. Push tool along wire and into contact cavity
until it bottoms.
Pull lightly on wire to ensure wire retention.
d. Press wire into shoulder end of slot and hold
54. CONNECTOR SEALING. All unused contact
firmly in place.
cavities shall be filled with un-crimped contact and
followed by a sealing plug. Refer to NA 01-1A-505-1
e. Keeping tool axially aligned with contact
WP 023 00, paragraphs 30 thru 31 for sealing plug
cavity, pull tool, wire and contact from cavity.
information. If additional sealing is required refer to
NAVAIR 01-1A-505-1, WP 025 00.
53. CONTACT INSERTION. Perform the following
procedure to insert contact into connector. Refer to
Figure 2 thru 10 for tooling information as they apply to
each type of connector. Figure 25 shows a typical
removal tool for this connector series.
56. For buildup procedures using solder contacts refer
to NAVAIR 0l-lA-505-1, WP 016 00.
a. Cut wire end square and strip 3/16 to 15/64 in.
of insulation (NAVAIR0l-lA-505-1, WP 009 00).
b. Insert wire into crimp barrel of contact until it
bottoms ensuring wire strands are visible through
58. For connector cleaning and corrosion control
inspection hole of contact.
procedures refer to NAVAIR 0l-lA-505-1 WP 026 00.