TM 1-1520-264-23
Change 1 2-71
2.30 Mast Mounted Assembly (BT)
2.30.1 Description. The base-plate is mounted to the top of the mast.
2.30.2 Defect. Voids may occur on the bottom surface extending from the mast to
outboard 13 inches.
A void is defined as a unbonded area that is supposed to be bonded .
Many subdefinitions of voids are given such as lack of adhesive, gas
pocket, misfit , etc. However, this manual makes no distinction among
these; grouping them all under one general term, void.
2.30.3 Primary Method. Bond Testing. NDI Equipment and Materials. (refer to Appendix B.)
a. Bond Test Unit
b. Probe, Mechanical Impedance Analysis
c. Probe Holder
d. Cable Assembly
e. Test Block, composite skin and Nomex honeycomb,
P/N 76091902-001/002
f. Aircraft Marking Pencil, refer to Table 1-8 Preparation of Helicopter. The helicopter shall be prepared for safe ground
maintenance in accordance with applicable technical manuals listed in Table
1-1. Inspection areas are accessible with the radome installed on the
helicopter. Access. Both radio frequency interferometers (RFI) antenna assembly
and receiver assembly and the attaching cannon plugs must be removed
to provide complete access.