TM 1-1520-264-23
While using this manual, such adjectives as left and right, upper and lower, front and rear, forward and aft, and
clockwise and counterclockwise refer to the helicopter as viewed from the rear (aft), looking forward.
Changes and supplements to this manual will be published when necessary to add, delete, or change the scope
of requirements. Such changes will be based on factual data accumulated as a result of maintenance experience with
the equipment. Suggested new or revised field developed inspection procedures or changes to this manual are
encouraged and should be made by submitting a DA Form 2028. Mail to: U.S. Army Aviation and Troop Command,
ATTN: AMSAT-I-MP, 4300 Goodfellow Boulevard, St. Louis, MO 63120-1798.
These NDI procedures are directive in nature, and deviation without prior approval is limited to compensation for
differences in equipment output. Equipment settings, when given, are reference points only, due to the widely varying
outputs from different inspection equipment. The condition that must be satisfied for accurate inspection is that the
inspection equipment be adjusted to obtain the specified response from the set-up or defect standard, or the specified
density reading on radiographic film. Trained NDI technicians are qualified to make these adjustments.
Misinterpretation of indications can result in rejectable parts being accepted and acceptable parts being
rejected. Only NDI personnel trained and qualified in accordance with applicable military standards and
technical manuals shall perform and interpret nondestructive inspections.
This manual provides necessary information to enable qualified personnel to perform NDI on AH-64A helicopter.
The selection of components in this manual is based on a review of applicable technical manuals listed in Table 1-1. All
existing NDI callouts were updated. New NDI procedures were developed for those parts that required check, inspect, or
any other NDI related actions. Section I of this manual contains a list of special terms, abbreviations, acronyms,
information on how to use the manual, use of NDI symbols, and a list of publications. Section I also contains general
information on the AH-64A helicopter, including descriptive data, access panels, major assemblies, stops, handholds,
walkways, various NDI method descriptions, and rules of safety to be observed during nondestructive inspections.
Additional information on inspection methods can be found in the Technical Manual, Nondestructive Inspection
Methods, TM 55-1500-335-23. Detailed inspection instructions for each main aircraft group are given in Sections II
through VI of this manual.