Chapter 1 GENERAL INFORMATION, EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION, AND THEORY OF OPERATION FOR SHEET METAL SHOPGENERAL INFORMATION - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0015LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS/ACRONYMS - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0016QUALITY OF MATERIAL - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0017SAFETY, CARE, AND HANDLING - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0018SUPPORTING INFORMATION FOR REPAIR PARTS, SPECIAL TOOLS, TMDE, AND SUPPORT EQUIPMENT - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0019EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION AND DATA - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0021Figure 2. Transport Mode Component View. - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0022Figure 3. Operational Mode Component View. - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0023EQUIPMENT DATA - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0024THEORY OF OPERATION - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0025Chapter 2 OPERATOR INSTRUCTIONS FOR SHEET METAL SHOPDESCRIPTION AND USE OF OPERATOR CONTROLS AND INDICATORS - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0029SHELTER OPENING SEQUENCE - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0031INITIAL LEVELING - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0032SHELTER EXPANSION - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0033SHELTER EXPANSION cont'd - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0034SHELTER EXPANSION cont'd - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0035POSITIONING HINGED SIDEWALL - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0036POSITIONING HINGED JACKS FOR LEVELING - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0037POSITIONING HINGED JACKS FOR LEVELING cont'd - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0038POSITIONING ROOF AND HINGED END WALLS - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0039POSITIONING ROOF AND HINGED END WALLS cont'd - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0040POSITIONING ROOF AND HINGED END WALLS cont'd - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0041POSITIONING ROOF AND HINGED END WALLS cont'd - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0042SECURING SHELTER - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0043INSTALLING CEILING LIGHTS - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0044INSTALLING CEILING LIGHTS cont'd - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0045INSTALLING CABLE AND RECEPTACLE ASSEMBLY - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0046INSTALLING AREA LIGHT - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0047CONNECTING ELECTRICITY - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0049EXTERNAL GROUNDING OF SHELTER - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0050CONNECTING MAIN POWER CABLE - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0051CONNECTING MAIN POWER CABLE cont'd - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0052CONNECTING MAIN POWER CABLE cont'd - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0053CONNECTING MAIN POWER CABLE cont'd - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0054POSITIONING ECUsiPOSITIONING ECUsPOSITIONING ECUs cont'd - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0056OPENING ECU FOLD-DOWN PANELS - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0057OPENING ECU FOLD-DOWN PANELS cont'd - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0058OPENING ECU FOLD-DOWN PANELS cont'd - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0059POSITIONING ECUs - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0060POSITIONING ECUs cont'd - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0061POSITIONING ECUs cont'd - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0062CONNECTING POWER TO ECUs cont'd - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0063POSITIONING SHOP EQUIPMENT - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0065THROATLESS SHEAR STAND - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0066CABINET A - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0067BAND SAW - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0068CABINET B - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0069EYEWASH STATION - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0070EYEWASH STATION cont'd - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0071CABINET C - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0072STAKE SUPPORT TABLE - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0073INSTALLING COUNTERWEIGHTS ON SHEET METAL BRAKEINSTALLING COMPONENTS ON SHEARING MACHINEINSTALLING COMPONENTS ON SHEARING MACHINE cont'd - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0076INSTALLING COMPONENTS ON SHEARING MACHINE cont'd - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0077SHRINKING/STRETCHING MACHINECONNECTING COMPRESSED AIR AND WATER - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0079WATER SUPPLY - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0080CHECKING SHELTER LEVEL - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0081DISCONNECTING COMPRESSED AIR AND WATER - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0083WATER SUPPLY - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0084REPOSITIONING SHOP EQUIPMENT - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0085REMOVING COMPONENTS ON SHEARING MACHINEREMOVING COMPONENTS ON SHEARING MACHINE cont'd - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0087REMOVING COMPONENTS ON SHEARING MACHINE cont'd - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0088REMOVING COUNTERWEIGHT ON SHEET METAL BRAKESTAKE SUPPORT TABLE - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0090CABINET C - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0091EYEWASH STATION - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0092CABINET B - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0093BAND SAW - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0094CABINET A - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0095THROATLESS SHEAR STAND - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0096REPOSITIONING ECUs - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0097REPOSITIONING ECUs - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0098REPOSITIONING ECUs cont'd - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0099CLOSING ECU FOLD-DOWN PANEL - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0100CLOSING ECU FOLD-DOWN PANEL cont'd - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0101COUNTERBALANCE CABLE RETAINING BLOCK INSTALLATION - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0102DISCONNECTING ELECTRICITY - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0103DISCONNECTING ELECTRICITY cont'd - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0104DISCONNECTING ELECTRICITY cont'd - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0105DISCONNECTING PDB FROM GENERATOR REMOVING EXTERNAL GROUND ROD - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0107SHELTER CLOSING SEQUENCE - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0109REMOVING CABLE AND RECEPTACLE ASSEMBLY - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0110REMOVING CEILING LIGHTS FROM HINGED ROOF - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0111RELEASING SHELTER LATCHES - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0112RELEASING SHELTER LATCHES cont'dLOWERING SHELTER ROOF - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0114LOWERING SHELTER ROOF cont'd - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0115RAISING HINGED FLOOR - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0116RAISING HINGED FLOOR cont'd - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0117LOWERING SHELTER - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0118SECURING THE SHELTER - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0119OPERATION UNDER UNUSUAL CONDITIONS - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0121OPERATION IN HIGH WINDS - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0122OPERATION IN HIGH WINDS cont'd - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0123OPERATION IN HIGH WINDS cont'd - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0124OPERATION DURING BLACKOUT CONDITIONS - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0125Chapter 3 TROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURESFOR SHEET METAL SHOPChapter 4 MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS FOR SHEET METAL SHOPSERVICE UPON RECEIPT - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0131BASIC SHOP EQUIPMENT - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0133Inspect - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0134BAYONET NEIL CONCELMAN (BNC) CABLE ASSEMBLY - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0135Test - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0136GROUNDING ROD - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0137Inspect cont'd - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0138DOOR HASP - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0139Install - TM-1-4920-435-13-P014054 DEGREE ANGLE ADAPTER - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0141Remove - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0142Install - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0143Install cont'd - TM-1-4920-435-13-P014460A RECEPTACLE - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0145Remove - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0146Install cont'd - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0147100A CIRCUIT BREAKER - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0148Test - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0149Remove - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0150FIRE EXTINGUISHER BRACKET - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0151INSPECT - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0152INSTALL - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0153ECU LARGE CLOSEOUT PANEL - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0155ECU ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0157ECU POWER CABLE ASSEMBLIES cont'd - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0158Replace - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0159Replace cont'd - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0160Cargo End - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0161BOX CONNECTOR FOR ECU POWER CABLE - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0162Install - TM-1-4920-435-13-P016330A CIRCUIT BREAKER - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0164Test - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0165Remove - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0166SERVICES UTILITY PANEL - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0167REPLACE - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0168WATER FEED-THRU CONNECTOR ASSEMBLY - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0169Remove - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0170Install - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0171Install cont'd - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0172AIR FEED-THRU CONNECTOR ASSEMBLY - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0173Remove - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0174Install - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0175Install cont'd - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0176WATER/OIL SEPARATOR - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0177INSPECT - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0178INSPECT cont'd - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0179NON-METALLIC HOSE AND FITTINGS - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0180Remove - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0181Remove cont'd - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0182Install - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0183Install cont'd - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0184CABINET BRACKETS - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0185REMOVE - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0186EQUIPMENT AND BRACKETS - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0187RETAINING STRAP - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0188BOX CONNECTOR - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0189ANVIL/THROATLESS SHEAR STANDREMOVE - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0191INSTALL - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0192STAKE SUPPORT TABLE - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0193REMOVE - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0194INSTALL - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0195SHEARING MACHINEREMOVE - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0197REPLACE - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0198SHEARING MACHINE BRACKET ASSEMBLYRepair - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0200SHEAR SUPPORT BAR AND BACK SUPPORT BRACKETSHEET METAL BRAKE TABLEREMOVE - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0203REPAIR - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0204INSTALL - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0205SHRINKING/STRETCHING MACHINE BRACKETREMOVE - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0207BAND SAW BRACKETREMOVE - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0209WALL/FLOOR INSERTS, BOLTS, AND PLUGS - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0211FLOOR PLUGS - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0212ILLUSTRATED LIST OF MANUFACTURED ITEMS - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0213Figure 1. Cabinet Bracket, Part No. 17A6X0007 - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0215Figure 2. Stake Support Table,Part No. 17A681001. (Sheet 1 of 9)Figure 2. Stake Support Table,Part No. 17A681001. (Sheet 2 of 9)Figure 2. Stake Support Table,Part No. 17A681001. (Sheet 3 of 9)Figure 2. Stake Support Table,Part No. 17A681001. (Sheet 4 of 9)Figure 2. Stake Support Table,Part No. 17A681001. (Sheet 5 of 9)Figure 2. Stake Support Table,Part No. 17A681001. (Sheet 6 of 9) Figure 2. Stake Support Table,Part No. 17A681001. (Sheet 7 of 9)Figure 2. Stake Support Table,Part No. 17A681001. (Sheet 8 of 9)Figure 2. Stake Support Table,Part No. 17A681001. (Sheet 9 of 9)Figure 3. Shearing Machine Bracket, Part No. 17A681003 (Sheet 1 of 3)Figure 3. Shearing Machine Bracket, Part No. 17A681003 (Sheet 2 of 3)Figure 3. Shearing Machine Bracket, Part No. 17A681003 (Sheet 3 of 3)Figure 4. Metal Brake Countering Bracket, Part No. 17A681008. (Sheet 1 of 4) Figure 4. Metal Brake Countering Bracket, Part No. 17A681008. (Sheet 2 of 4) Figure 4. Metal Brake Countering Bracket, Part No. 17A681008. (Sheet 3 of 4) Figure 4. Metal Brake Countering Bracket, Part No. 17A681008. (Sheet 4 of 4) Figure 5. Sheet Metal Brake Table Assembly, Part No. 17A681011. (Sheet 1 of 8)Figure 5. Sheet Metal Brake Table Assembly, Part No. 17A681011. (Sheet 2 of 8)Figure 5. Sheet Metal Brake Table Assembly, Part No. 17A681011. (Sheet 3 of 8)Figure 5. Sheet Metal Brake Table Assembly, Part No. 17A681011. (Sheet 4 of 8)Figure 5. Sheet Metal Brake Table Assembly, Part No. 17A681011. (Sheet 5 of 8)Figure 5. Sheet Metal Brake Table Assembly, Part No. 17A681011. (Sheet 6 of 8)Figure 5. Sheet Metal Brake Table Assembly, Part No. 17A681011. (Sheet 7 of 8)Figure 5. Sheet Metal Brake Table Assembly, Part No. 17A681011. (Sheet 8 of 8)Figure 6. Shrinking/Stretching Machine Bracket, Part No. 17A681013. (Sheet 1 of 2) Figure 6. Shrinking/Stretching Machine Bracket, Part No. 17A681013. (Sheet 2 of 2) Figure 7. Shear Support Bar and Back Stop Bracket, Part No. 20083266. (Sheet 1 of 3)Figure 7. Shear Support Bar and Back Stop Bracket, Part No. 20083266. (Sheet 2 of 3)Figure 7. Shear Support Bar and Back Stop Bracket, Part No. 20083266. (Sheet 3 of 3)Figure 8. Band Saw Bracket, Part No. 20089719 Figure 9. First Aid Bracket, Part No. 20089721. (Sheet 1 of 3)Figure 9. First Aid Bracket, Part No. 20089721. (Sheet 2 of 3)Figure 9. First Aid Bracket, Part No. 20089721. (Sheet 3 of 3)Figure 10. Anvil Stand, Part No. 20089732. (Sheet 1 of 4) Figure 10. Anvil Stand, Part No. 20089732. (Sheet 2 of 4) Figure 10. Anvil Stand, Part No. 20089732. (Sheet 3 of 4) Figure 10. Anvil Stand, Part No. 20089732. (Sheet 4 of 4) TORQUE LIMITS - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0253Chapter 5 Supporting Information For Sheet Metal ShopREFERENCES - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0257MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART (MAC) - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0259Aviation Unit Maintenance (AMC) - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0260Use of the MAC - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0261Explanation of Entries in the MAC - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0262Component/Assembly Description - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0263Explanation of Columns in the Tools and Test Equipment Requirements - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0264MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0265Table 1. MAC for Sheet Metal Shop. cont'dTable 2. Tools and Test Equipment for Sheet Metal Shop.REPAIR PARTS AND SPECIAL TOOLS LIST (RPSTL) - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0269Source Code - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0270Maintenance Code - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0271Recoverability Code - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0272Explanation of Cross-Reference Indexes Work Packages Format and Columns - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0273How to Locate Repair Parts - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0274REPAIR PARTS LIST - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0275Figure 1. Equipment and Brackets. - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0276GROUP 00 EQUIPMENT AND BRACKETS - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0277Figure 2. Basic Shop Equipment. - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0278GROUP 01 BASIC SHOP EQUIPMENT - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0279Figure 3. ECU Large Closeout Panel. (Sheet 1 of 3) - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0280Figure 3. ECU Large Closeout Panel. (Sheet 2 of 3) - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0281Figure 3. ECU Large Closeout Panel. (Sheet 3 of 3) - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0282GROUP 0101 ECU LARGE CLOSEOUT PANEL - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0283Figure 4. ECU Electrical Installation. - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0284GROUP 0102 ECU ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0285Figure 5. Water/Oil Separator. - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0286GROUP 0103 WATER/OIL SEPARATOR - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0287Figure 6. Services Utility Panel. - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0288GROUP 0104 SERVICES UTILITY PANEL - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0289Figure 7. Fire Extinguisher Bracket. - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0290GROUP 02 FIRE EXTINGUISHER BRACKET - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0291Figure 8. Cabinet Brackets. - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0292GROUP 03 CABINET BRACKETS - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0293Figure 9. Wall and Floor Inserts. - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0294GROUP 04 WALL AND FLOOR INSERTS - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0295Figure 10. Shearing Machine.GROUP 05 SHEARING MACHINEFigure 11. Sheet Metal Brake Machine.GROUP 06 SHEET METAL BRAKE MACHINEFigure 12. Shrinking/Stretching Machine.GROUP 07 SHRINKING/STRETCHING MACHINEFigure 13. Band Saw Machine.GROUP 08 BAND SAW MACHINESPECIAL TOOLS LIST - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0305NATIONAL STOCK NUMBER (NSN) INDEX - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0307PART NUMBER (P/N) INDEX - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0309PART NUMBER (P/N) INDEX COMPONENTS OF END ITEM (COEI) AND BASIC ISSUE ITEMS (BII) LISTS - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0311Figure - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0312Figure - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0313Figure - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0314Table 1. Components of End Items (COEI) List. - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0315Table 1. Components of End Items (COEI) List. - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0316Table 1. Components of End Items (COEI) List. - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0317EXPENDABLE AND DURABLE ITEMS LIST - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0319Table 1. Expendable and Durable Items List. - TM-1-4920-435-13-P0320TM-1-4920-435-13-P Sheet Metal Shop P/N SC492099-A68 Manual