STRIPPING IN CONFINED LOCATIONS MECHANICAL REMOVAL FROM METALSSECTION III. METAL CONDITIONINGCHAPTER 3. PAINTING GENERALSAFETY AND HEALTH ASPECTS OF PAINTING ATMOSPHERIC CONDITIONS FOR PAINTING SURFACE CONDITION.MATING SURFACES.MATING SURFACES. (CONT)MIXING.THINNING.PAINT SPRAY GUN TECHNIQUES.Figure 3-1, Right and Methods of SprayingFigure 3-2. Cross-CoatingPAINTING DIFFICULTIES AND REMEDIES Figure 3-4. Setting Spray Pattern.Figure 3-5. Faulty Patterns and Suggested CorrectionsSection II. PRIMERSPRIMERS.Section III. FINISH PAINTING: GENERALINSPECTION.Table 3-1. Manual Spray Coating Troubles, Possible Causes, and RemediesTable 3-1. Manual Spray Coating Troubles. Possible Causes. and Remedies -- (Continued) -600720075Table 3-1. Manual Spray Coating Troubles. Possible Causes. and Remedies -- (Continued) -600720076Table 3-1. Manual Spray Coating Troubles. Possible Causes. and Remedies -- (Continued) -600720077Table 3-1. Manual Spray Coating Troubles. Possible Causes. and Remedies -- (Continued) -600720078Table 3-1. Manual Spray Coating Troubles. Possible Causes. and Remedies -- (Continued) -600720079Figure 3-6. Excessive Spray FogFigure 3-9. Orange PeelFigure 3-12. CrazingFigure 3.16. LiftingTOUCH UP OF CONDUCTIVE COATING ON UH-60 COCKPIT DOOR.CHAPTER 4: TACTICAL PAINT SCHEMEPREPARATION OF POLYURETHANE PAINT.SECTION II. FIXED WING AIRCRAFTSection Ill. MARKINGSPREPARATION OF MIL-L-46159.PROCEDURES FOR APPLICATION OVER PROPERLY PREPARED SURFACES.CHAPTER 5 NON-TACTICAL PAINT SCHEMESPAINT IDENTIFICATION.AIRCRAFT IN CONGESTED AREAS RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENTChapter 6. FINISHES FOR SPECIFIC APPLICATIONS: GENERALSection II. PROPELLER ASSEMBLIES AND ROTORPROPELLERS.MAIN ROTOR BLADES.Section Ill. AIRCRAFT EXTERIOR LANDING GEARTable 6-1. Typical Aircraft Interior Areas To Be Painted (Sheet 1 of 3)Table 6-1. Typical Aircraft Interior Areas To Be Painted (Sheet 2 of 3)Table 6-1. Typical Aircraft Interior Areas To Be Painted (Sheet 3 of 3)Table 6-2. Typical Aircraft Interior Areas Not To Be Painted (Sheet 1 of 3)Table 6-2. Typical Aircraft Interior Areas Not To Be Painted (Sheet 2 of 3)Table 6-2. Typical Aircraft Interior Areas Not To Be Painted (Sheet 3 of 3)BATTERY COMPARTMENTS.HIGH TEMPERATURE AREAS.RUBBER.Section V. INTERIOR PAINTINGMIL-C-46168, AIRCRAFT BLACK No. 37038, POLYURETHANE PAINT CREWSTATION SURFACES.PROCEDURES. -600720112APPLICATION.APPLICATION WITH BRUSH OR ROLLERSDECALS, PLACARDS, MARKINGS, LABELING IN COCKPIT AREA (WHEN USED).EMERGENCY EXIT MARKINGS.Section VI. PROTECTIVE COATINGSPREPARATION OF SURFACE.REMOVAL OF COATINGS. REMOVAL OF COATINGS. (Cont)REMOVAL OF PAINT FROM RADOMESCHAPTER 7. LETTERING AND MARKINGCOLORS.AIRCRAFTSection IV. COMMAND AND ORGANIZATIONAL INSIGNIA AND NAMESection V. IDENTIFICATION LETTERINGSection VI. WARNING STRIPES AND SIGNSNOISE HAZARD LEVELS AND STENCILS.Section VII. RADIO CALL NUMBERS AND PREFIXESSection Vlll. SERIAL NUMBER AND FUEL SPECIFICATIONSection IX. MARKINGS FOR EMERGENCY ENTRY or EXITSection X. MISCELLANEOUS MARKINGSOXYGEN OUTLETSJETTISONABLE COMPONENTS.AMERICAN FLAG DECALS.Figure 7-3.Sample MarkingsMETHOD OF MARKING.INDEX MARKMARKINGS FOR RECIPROCATING ENGINE AIRCRAFTFigure 7-6. Typical Manifold Pressure Gage, Tachometer, Cylinder Head Temperature Gage, and Air Temperature Gage Markings.Figure 7-7. Typical Coolant Temperature Gage and Torquemeter MarkingsFigure 7-8. Typical Tachometer and Engine Exhaust Temperature Gage MarkingsMARKINGS FOR HELICOPTERSSection Xl. MARKING OF INSTRUMENTSMARKINGS FOR ALL AIRCRAFTFigure 7-10. Typical Oil Pressure Gage, Oil Temperature Gage, and Airspeed Indicator Markingsigure 7-11. Typical Accelerometer, Hydraulic Pressure Gage, Deicer Gage, and Fuel Pressure Goge Markings.Figure 7-12. Fuel Nozzle Ground Dimensions.Chapter 8. MISCELLANEOUS TABLES AND ILLUSTRATIONS Table 8-3. Consumable Items ListTable 8-3. Consumable Items List (Cont) -600720155Table 8-3. Consumable Items List (Cont) -600720156Table 8-3. Consumable Items List (Cont) -600720157Table 8-3. Consumable Items List (Cont) -600720158Table 8-3. Consumable Items List (Cont) -600720159Table 8-4. State AbbreviationsTable 8-5. Definitions of Common Painting TermsTable 8-5. Definitions of Common Painting Terms -- Continued -600720162Table 8-5. Definitions of Common Painting Terms -- Continued -600720163Table 8-5. Definitions of Common Painting Terms -- Continued -600720164Table 8-5. Definitions of Common Painting Terms -- Continued -600720165Table 8-5. Definitions of Common Painting Terms -- Continued -600720166Table 8-5. Definitions of Common Painting Terms -- Continued -600720167Table 8-6. Ventilation and Respirator Requirements for Application of PaintsTABLE 8-7. Current Safety Guidelines for Application of MI L-C-46168B PaintTable 8-8. Recommended Respiratory Protection Guidelines for Spray Finishing OperationsTable 8-9. Occupational Health Protection Requirements for Paint Spray Workers Using MI L-E-52798A Alkyd Enamel and MIL-C-46168B Polyurethane CoatingFigure 8-1. National Star Insignia (sheet 1 of 2)Figure 8-1. National Star Insignia (sheet 2 of 2)Figure B-2. Wing and Fuselage Marking (Typical)Figure 8-3. NATO Marking Symbols (sheet 1 of 5)Figure 8-3. NATO Marking Symbols (sheet 2 of 5)Figure 8-3. NATO Marking Symbols (sheet 3 of 5)Figure 8-3. NATO Marking Symbols (sheet 4 of 5)Figure 8-3. NATO Marking Symbols (sheet 5 of 5)Figure 8-4. Sidedraft Paint BoothsFigure 8-5. Downdraft Paint BoothsFigure 8-7. First Aid KitFigure 8-8. Optimum High Visibility Paint Scheme, Two Blade, Exposed Hub Figure 8-9. Optimum High Visibility Paint Scheme, Two Blades, Helicopter Tail Rotor OnlyFigure 8-11. Optimum High Visibility Paint Scheme, Three Blades, Exposed FIGURE 8-12. Optimum High Visibility Paint Scheme, Three Props, with Spinner.Figure 8-13. Optimum High Visibility Paint Scheme, Four Props, with
Spinner.Figure 8-14. Optimum High Visibility Paint Scheme, Four Blades, Helicopter Tail Rotor OnlyCHAPTER 9 : HELlCOPTER ILLUSTRATIONSFigure 9-2. Exterior Marking, AH-1 (Sheet 1 of 10)Figure 9-2. Exterior Marking, AH-1 (Sheet 2 of 10)Figure 9-2. Exterior Marking, AH-1 (Sheet 3 of 10)Figure 9-2. Exterior Marking, AH-1 (Sheet 4 of 10)Figure 9-2. Exterior Markings, AH-1 (Sheet 5 of 10)Figure 9-2. Exterior Markings, AH-1 (Sheet 6 of 10)Figure 9-2. Exterior Markings, AH-1 (Sheet 7 of 10)Figure 9-2. Exterior Markings, AH-1 (Sheet 8 of 10)Figure 9-2. Exterior Marking, AH-1 (Sheet 9 of 10)Figure 9-2. Exterior Markings, AH-1 (Sheet 10 of 10)Figure 9-3. Station Diagram, AH-1Section II. AH. 64 Illustrations Figure 9-5. Exterior and Interior Markings, AH-64 (Sheet 1 of 19)Figure 9-5. Exterior and Interior Markings, AH-64 (Sheet 2 of 19)Figure 9-5. Exterior and Interior Markings, AH-64 (Sheet 3 of 19)Figure 9-5. Exterior and Interior Markings, AH-64 (Sheet 4 of 19)Figure 9-5. Exterior and Interior Markings, AH-64 (Sheet 5 of 19)Figure 9-5. Exterior and Interior Markings, AH-64 (Sheet 6 of 19)Figure 9-5. Exterior and Interior Markings, AH-64 (Sheet 7 of 19)Figure 9-5. Exterior and Interior Markings, AH-64 (Sheet 8 of 19)Figure 9-5. Exterior and Interior Markings, AH-64 (Sheet 9 of 19)Figure 9-5. Exterior and Interior Markings, AH-64 (Sheet 10 of 19)Figure 9-5. Exterior and Interior Markings, AH-64 (Sheet 11 of 19)Figure 9-5. Exterior and Interior Markings, AH-64 (Sheet 12 of 19)Figure 9-5. Exterior and Interior Markings, AH-64 (Sheet 13 of 19)Figure 9-5. Exterior and Interior Markings, AH-64 (Sheet 14 of 19)Figure 9-5. Exterior and Interior Markings, AH-64 (Sheet 15 of 19)Figure 9-5. Exterior and Interior Markings, AH-64 (Sheet 16 of 19)Figure 9-5. Exterior and Interior Markings, AH-64 (Sheet 17 of 19)Figure 9-5. Exterior and Interior Markings, AH-64 (Sheet 18 of 19)Figure 9-5. Exterior and Interior Markings, AH-64 (Sheet 19 of 19)Figure 9-6. Station Diagram, AH-64Section Ill. CH-47 IllustrationsFigure 9-8. Non-Tactical Arctic/Desert paint Scheme. CH-47 Figure 9-9. Interior Markings, CH-47 (Sheet 1 of 20)Figure 9-9. Interior Markings, CH-47 (Sheet 2 of 20)Figure 9-9. Interior Markings, CH-47 (Sheet 3 of 20)Figure 9-9. Interior Markings, CH-47 (Sheet 4 of 20)Figure 9-9. Interior Markings, CH-47 (Sheet 5 of 20)Figure 9-9. Interior Markings, CH-47 (Sheet 6 of 20)Figure 9-9. Interior Markings, CH-47 (Sheet 7 of 20)Figure 9-9. Interior Markings, CH-47 (Sheet 8 of 20)Figure 9-9. Interior Markings, CH-47 (Sheet 9 of 20)Figure 9-9. Interior Markings, CH-47 (Sheet 10 of 20)Figure 9-9. Interior Markings, CH-47 (Sheet 11 of 20)Figure 9-9. Interior Markings, CH-47 (Sheet 12 of 20)Figure 9-9. Interior Markings, CH-47 (Sheet 13 of 20)Figure 9-9. Interior Markings, CH-47 (Sheet 14 of 20)Figure 9-9. Interior Markings, CH-47 (Sheet 15 of 20)Figure 9-9. Interior Markings, CH-47 (Sheet 16 of 20)Figure 9-9. Interior Markings, CH-47 (Sheet 17 of 20)Figure 9-9. Interior Markings, CH-47 (Sheet 18 of 20)Figure 9-9. Interior Markings, CH-47 (Sheet 19 of 20)Figure 9-9. Interior Markings, CH-47 (Sheet 20 of 20)Figure 9-10. Exterior Markings, CH-47 (Sheet 1 of 29)Figure 9-10. Exterior Markings, CH-47 (Sheet 2 of 29)Figure 9-10. Exterior Markings, CH-47 (Sheet 3 of 29)Figure 9-10. Exterior Markings, CH-47 (Sheet 4 of 29)Figure 9-10. Exterior Markings, CH-47 (Sheet 5 of 29)Figure 9-10. Exterior Markings, CH-47 (Sheet 6 of 29)Figure 9-10. Exterior Markings, CH-47 (Sheet 7 of 29)Figure 9-10. Exterior Markings, CH-47 (Sheet 8 of 29)Figure 9-10. Exterior Markings, CH-47 (Sheet 9 of 29)Figure 9-10. Exterior Markings, CH-47 (Sheet 10 of 29)Figure 9-10. Exterior Markings, CH-47 (Sheet 11 of 29)Figure 9-10. Exterior Markings, CH-47 (Sheet 12 of 29)Figure 9-10. Exterior Markings, CH-47 (Sheet 13 of 29)Figure 9-10. Exterior Markings, CH-47 (Sheet 14 of 29)Figure 9-10. Exterior Markings, CH-47 (Sheet 15 of 29)Figure 9-10. Exterior Markings, CH-47 (Sheet 16 of 29)Figure 9-10. Exterior Markings, CH-47 (Sheet 17 of 29)Figure 9-10. Exterior Markings, CH-47 (Sheet 18 of 29)Figure 9-10. Exterior Markings, CH-47 (Sheet 19 of 29)Figure 9-10. Exterior Markings, CH-47 (Sheet 20 of 29)Figure 9-10. Exterior Markings, CH-47 (Sheet 21 of 29)Figure 9-10. Exterior Markings, CH-47 (Sheet 22 of 29)Figure 9-10. Exterior Markings, CH-47 (Sheet 23 of 29)Figure 9-10. Exterior Markings, CH-47 (Sheet 24 of 29)Figure 9-10. Exterior Markings, CH-47 (Sheet 25 of 29)Figure 9-10. Exterior Markings, CH-47 (Sheet 26 of 29)Figure 9-10. Exterior Markings, CH-47 (Sheet 27 of 29)Figure 9-10. Exterior Markings, CH-47 (Sheet 28 of 29)Figure 9-10. Exterior Markings, CH-47 (Sheet 29 of 29)Figure 9-11. Station Diagram, CH-47. Figure 9-12. Tactical Paint Scheme, CH-54. Figure 9-13. Non-Tactical Artic/Desert Paint Scheme, CH-54. Figure 9-14. Exterior and Interior Markings, CH-54 (Sheet 1 of 7)Figure 9-14. Exterior and Interior Markings, CH-54 (Sheet 2 of 7)Figure 9-14. Exterior and Interior Markings, CH-54 (Sheet 3 of 7)Figure 9-14. Exterior and Interior Markings, CH-54 (Sheet 4 of 7)Figure 9-14. Exterior and Interior Markings, CH-54 (Sheet 5 of 7)Figure 9-14. Exterior and Interior Markings, CH-54 (Sheet 6 of 7)Figure 9-14. Exterior and Interior Markings, CH-54 (Sheet 7 of 7)Figure 9-15. Interior Markings, CH-54 Universal Pod (Sheet 1 of 3)Figure 9-15. Interior Markings, CH-54 Universal Pod (Sheet 2 of 3)Figure 9-15. Interior Markings, CH-54 Universal Pod (Sheet 3 of 3)Figure 9-16. Exterior Markings, CH-54 Universal Pod (Sheet 1 of 4)Figure 9-16. Exterior Markings, CH-54 Universal Pod (Sheet 2 of 4)Figure 9-16. Exterior Markings, CH-54 Universal Pod (Sheet 3 of 4)Figure 9-16. Exterior Markings, CH-54 Universal Pod (Sheet 4 of 4)Figure 9-17. Tactical Paint Scheme, OH-6Figure 9-18. Non-Tactical Arctic/Desert Paint Scheme, OH-6Figure 9-19. Exterior Markings, OH-6 (Sheet 1 of 5).Figure 9-19. Exterior Markings, OH-6 (Sheet 2 of 5).Figure 9-19. Exterior Markings, OH-6 (Sheet 3 of 5).Figure 9-19. Exterior Markings, OH-6 (Sheet 4 of 5).Figure 9-19. Exterior Markings, OH-6 (Sheet 5 of 5).Figure 9-20. Station Diagram , OH-6. Figure 9-21. Tactical Paint Scheme, OH-58Figure 9-22. Non-Tactical Arctic/Desert Paint Scheme, OH-58Figure 9-23. Interior and Exterior Markings, OH-58 (Sheet 1 of 13).Figure 9-23. Interior and Exterior Markings, OH-58 ( Continued ) -600720303Figure 9-23. Interior and Exterior Markings, OH-58 ( Continued ) -600720304Figure 9-23. Interior and Exterior Markings, OH-58 ( Continued ) -600720305Figure 9-23. Interior and Exterior Markings, OH-58 ( Continued ) -600720306Figure 9-23. Interior and Exterior Markings, OH-58 ( Continued ) -600720307Figure 9-23. Interior and Exterior Markings, OH-58 ( Continued ) -600720308Figure 9-23. Interior and Exterior Markings, OH-58 ( Continued ) -600720309Figure 9-23. Interior and Exterior Markings, OH-58 ( Continued ) -600720310Figure 9-23. Interior and Exterior Markings, OH-58 ( Continued ) -600720311Figure 9-23. Interior and Exterior Markings, OH-58 ( Continued ) -600720312Figure 9-23. Interior and Exterior Markings, OH-58 ( Continued ) -600720313Figure 9-23. Interior and Exterior Markings, OH-58 ( Continued ) -600720314Figure 9-24. Interior Requirements to be Stenciled on the Back of Pilot's and Co-Pilot's Seat Backs, OH-58A/C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 9-24. Interior Requirements to be Stenciled on the Back of Pilot's and Co-Pilot's Seat Backs, OH-58A/C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 9-25. Station Diagram, OH-58Figure 9-26. High Visibility Markings, TH-55Section VIII. UH-1 ILLUSTRATIONSFigure 9-28. Non-Tactical Arctic/Desert Paint Scheme, UH-1C/MFigure 9-29. lnterior Markings. UH-1C and UH-1M (Sheet 1 of 4)Figure 9-29. lnterior Markings. UH-1C and UH-1M (Continued) -600720322Figure 9-29. lnterior Markings. UH-1C and UH-1M (Continued) -600720323Figure 9-29. lnterior Markings. UH-1C and UH-1M (Continued) -600720324Figure 9-30. Exterior Markings, UH-1C and UH-1M (SHEET 1 of 17).Figure 9-30. Exterior Markings, UH-1C and UH-1M (Continued). -600720326Figure 9-30. Exterior Markings, UH-1C and UH-1M (Continued). -600720327Figure 9-30. Exterior Markings, UH-1C and UH-1M (Continued). -600720328Figure 9-30. Exterior Markings, UH-1C and UH-1M (Continued). -600720329Figure 9-30. Exterior Markings, UH-1C and UH-1M (Continued). -600720330Figure 9-30. Exterior Markings, UH-1C and UH-1M (Continued). -600720331Figure 9-30. Exterior Markings, UH-1C and UH-1M (Continued). -600720332Figure 9-30. Exterior Markings, UH-1C and UH-1M (Continued). -600720333Figure 9-30. Exterior Markings, UH-1C and UH-1M (Continued). -600720334Figure 9-30. Exterior Markings, UH-1C and UH-1M (Continued). -600720335Figure 9-30. Exterior Markings, UH-1C and UH-1M (Continued). -600720336Figure 9-30. Exterior Markings, UH-1C and UH-1M (Continued). -600720337Figure 9-30. Exterior Markings, UH-1C and UH-1M (Continued). -600720338Figure 9-30. Exterior Markings, UH-1C and UH-1M (Continued). -600720339Figure 9-30. Exterior Markings, UH-1C and UH-1M (Continued). -600720340Figure 9-30. Exterior Markings, UH-1C and UH-1M (Continued). -600720341Station Diagram, UH-1C and UH-1M (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 9-31. Station Diagram, UH-1C and UH-1M (Continued )Figure 9-32. Tactical Paint Scheme, UH - 1H/VFigure 9-33. Non- Tactica Artic/Desert Paint Scheme, UH - 1H/VFigure 9-34. Staff Transport UH-1D/HFigure 9-35. Army Medical Service (Ambulance) UH-1D/HFigure 9-36. Interior Markings. UH-1D and UH 1H (Sheet 1 of 4)Figure 9-36. Interior Markings. UH-1D and UH 1H (Continued) -600720349Figure 9-36. Interior Markings. UH-1D and UH 1H (Continued) -600720350Figure 9-36. Interior Markings. UH-1D and UH 1H (Continued) -600720351Figure 9-37. Exterior Markings, UH-1D and UH-1H (Sheet 1 of 17)Figure 9-37. Exterior Markings, UH-1D and UH-1H (Continued) -600720353Figure 9-37. Exterior Markings, UH-1D and UH-1H (Continued) -600720354Figure 9-37. Exterior Markings, UH-1D and UH-1H (Continued) -600720355Figure 9-37. Exterior Markings, UH-1D and UH-1H (Continued) -600720356Figure 9-37. Exterior Markings, UH-1D and UH-1H (Continued) -600720357Figure 9-37. Exterior Markings, UH-1D and UH-1H (Continued) -600720358Figure 9-37. Exterior Markings, UH-1D and UH-1H (Continued) -600720359Figure 9-37. Exterior Markings, UH-1D and UH-1H (Continued) -600720360Figure 9-37. Exterior Markings, UH-1D and UH-1H (Continued) -600720361Figure 9-37. Exterior Markings, UH-1D and UH-1H (Continued) -600720362Figure 9-37. Exterior Markings, UH-1D and UH-1H (Continued) -600720363Figure 9-37. Exterior Markings, UH-1D and UH-1H (Continued) -600720364Figure 9-37. Exterior Markings, UH-1D and UH-1H (Continued) -600720365Figure 9-37. Exterior Markings, UH-1D and UH-1H (Continued) -600720366Figure 9-37. Exterior Markings, UH-1D and UH-1H (Continued) -600720367Figure 9-37. Exterior Markings, UH-1D and UH-1H (Continued) -600720368Figure 9-38. Station Diagram, UH-1D and UH-1HFigure 9-39. Tactical Paint Scheme, UH-60Figure 9-40. Non-Tactical Arctic/Desert Paint Scheme, UH-60Figure 9-41- Army Medical Service (Ambulance), UH-60Figure 9-42. Exterior and Interior Markings, UH-60 (Sheet 1 of 20).Figure 9-42. Exterior and Interior Markings, UH-60 (Continued). -600720374Figure 9-42. Exterior and Interior Markings, UH-60 (Continued). -600720375Figure 9-42. Exterior and Interior Markings, UH-60 (Continued). -600720376Figure 9-42. Exterior and Interior Markings, UH-60 (Continued). -600720377Figure 9-42. Exterior and Interior Markings, UH-60 (Continued). -600720378Figure 9-42. Exterior and Interior Markings, UH-60 (Continued). -600720379Figure 9-42. Exterior and Interior Markings, UH-60 (Continued). -600720380Figure 9-42. Exterior and Interior Markings, UH-60 (Continued). -600720381Figure 9-42. Exterior and Interior Markings, UH-60 (Continued). -600720382Figure 9-42. Exterior and Interior Markings, UH-60 (Continued). -600720383Figure 9-42. Exterior and Interior Markings, UH-60 (Continued). -600720384Figure 9-42. Exterior and Interior Markings, UH-60 (Continued). -600720385Figure 9-42. Exterior and Interior Markings, UH-60 (Continued). -600720386Figure 9-42. Exterior and Interior Markings, UH-60 (Continued). -600720387Figure 9-42. Exterior and Interior Markings, UH-60 (Continued). -600720388Figure 9-42. Exterior and Interior Markings, UH-60 (Continued). -600720389Figure 9-42. Exterior and Interior Markings, UH-60 (Continued). -600720390Figure 9-42. Exterior and Interior Markings, UH-60 (Continued). -600720391Figure 9-42. Exterior and Interior Markings, UH-60 (Continued). -600720392Figure 9-42, Exterior and Interior Markings, UH-60 (Sheet 20 of 20) (Con' t.) -600720393Figure 9-42, Exterior and Interior Markings, UH-60 (Sheet 20 of 20) (Con' t.) -600720394Figure 9-43. Station Locations, UH-60CHAPTER 10 FIXED WING AIRCRAFT ILLUSTRATIONSSection II. C12 and RC - 12 Illustration Figure 10-1. Exterior Markings, C-12 (Sheet 2 of 22)Figure 10-1. Exterior Markings, C-12 (Continued) -600720400Figure 10-1. Exterior Markings, C-12 (Continued) -600720401Figure 10-1. Exterior Markings, C-12 (Continued) -600720402Figure 10-1. Exterior Markings, C-12 (Continued) -600720403Figure 10-1. Exterior Markings, C-12 (Continued) -600720404Figure 10-1. Exterior Markings, C-12 (Continued) -600720405Figure 10-1. Exterior Markings, C-12 (Continued) -600720406Figure 10-1. Exterior Markings, C-12 (Continued) -600720407Figure 10-1. Exterior Markings, C-12 (Continued) -600720408Figure 10-1. Exterior Markings, C-12 (Continued) -600720409Figure 10-1. Exterior Markings, C-12 (Continued) -600720410Figure 10-1. Exterior Markings, C-12 (Continued) -600720411Figure 10-1. Exterior Markings, C-12 (Continued) -600720412Figure 10-1. Exterior Markings, C-12 (Continued) -600720413Figure 10-1. Exterior Markings, C-12 (Continued) -600720414Figure 10-1. Exterior Markings, C-12 (Continued) -600720415Figure 10-1. Exterior Markings, C-12 (Continued) -600720416Figure 10-1. Exterior Markings, C-12 (Continued) -600720417Figure 10-1. Exterior Markings, C-12 (Continued) -600720418Figure 10-1. Exterior Markings, C-12 (Continued) -600720419Figure 10-2. Station Diagram, C-12 -600720420Figure 10-3. Exterior Marking, UC-35 (sheet 1 of 1)Figure 10-1. Exterior Markings, C-12 (Sheet 25 of 27)Figure 10-1. Exterior Markings, C-12 (Continued) -600720423Figure 10-1. Exterior Markings, C-12 (Continued) -600720424Figure 10-2. Station Diagram, C-12 -600720425Section Ill. O V - 1 and RV-1 ILLUSTRATIONSFigure 10-3. Tactical Paint Scheme, OV-1D and RV-1DFigure 10-4. Exterior Markings, OV-1D and RV-1D (Sheet 1 of 15),Figure 10-4. Exterior Markings, OV-1D and RV-1D (Continued), -600720429Figure 10-4. Exterior Markings, OV-1D and RV-1D (Continued), -600720430Figure 10-4. Exterior Markings, OV-1D and RV-1D (Continued), -600720431Figure 10-4. Exterior Markings, OV-1D and RV-1D (Continued), -600720432Figure 10-4. Exterior Markings, OV-1D and RV-1D (Continued), -600720433Figure 10-4. Exterior Markings, OV-1D and RV-1D (Continued), -600720434Figure 10-4. Exterior Markings, OV-1D and RV-1D (Continued), -600720435Figure 10-4. Exterior Markings, OV-1D and RV-1D (Continued), -600720436Figure 10-4. Exterior Markings, OV-1D and RV-1D (Continued), -600720437Figure 10-4. Exterior Markings, OV-1D and RV-1D (Continued), -600720438Figure 10-4. Exterior Markings, OV-1D and RV-1D (Continued), -600720439Figure 10-4. Exterior Markings, OV-1D and RV-1D (Continued), -600720440Figure 10-4. Exterior Markings, OV-1D and RV-1D (Continued), -600720441Figure 10-4. Exterior Markings, OV-1D and RV-1D (Continued), -600720442Figure 10-5. Aero 65 Bomb Rack and External Fuel Tank Markings, OV-1 (Sheet 1 of 4).Figure 10-5. Aero 65 Bomb Rack and External Fuel Tank Markings, OV-1 (Continued). -600720444Figure 10-5. Aero 65 Bomb Rack and External Fuel Tank Markings, OV-1 (Continued). -600720445Figure 10-5. Aero 65 Bomb Rack and External Fuel Tank Markings, OV-1 (Continued). -600720446Figure 10-6. Warning Stencil for Vaneaxial Fan, OV-1. Incorporating Air Conditioning SystemsFigure 10-7. Aero 15 Bomb Rack Markings, OV-1.Figure 10-8. Station Diagram , OV-1 (Sheet 1 of 3)Figure 10-8. Station Diagram , OV-1 (Continued)Figure 10-10. Station Diagram, T-41B.Figure 10-11. Exterior Markings, T-42 (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 10-11. Exterior Markings, T-42 (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 10-12. Station Diagram, T-42Section VI. U-3 ILLUSTRATIONSFigure 10-13. High Visibility Paint Scheme, U-3A and U-3B (Sheet 2 of 4)Figure 10-13. High Visibility Paint Scheme, U-3A and U-3B (Continued) -600720460Figure 10-13. High Visibility Paint Scheme, U-3A and U-3B (Continued) -600720461Figure 10-14. Exterior Markings, U-3A and U-3B (Sheet 1 of 5)Figure 10-14. Exterior Markings, U-3A and U-3B (Continued) -600720463Figure 10-14. Exterior Markings, U-3A and U-3B (Continued) -600720464Figure 10-14. Exterior Markings, U-3A and U-3B (Continued) -600720465Figure 10-14. Exterior Markings, U-3A and U-3B (Continued) -600720466Figure 10-15. High Visibility Paint Schemes, U-8FFigure 10-16. Exterior Markings, U-8F (Sheet 1 of 11)Figure 10-16. Exterior Markings, U-8F (Continued) -600720469Figure 10-16. Exterior Markings, U-8F (Continued) -600720470Figure 10-16. Exterior Markings, U-8F (Continued) -600720471Figure 10-16. Exterior Markings, U-8F (Continued) -600720472Figure 10-16. Exterior Markings, U-8F (Continued) -600720473Figure 10-16. Exterior Markings, U-8F (Continued) -600720474Figure 10-16. Exterior Markings, U-8F (Continued) -600720475Figure 10-16. Exterior Markings, U-8F (Continued) -600720476Figure 10-16. Exterior Markings, U-8F (Continued) -600720477Figure 10-16. Exterior Markings, U-8F (Continued) -600720478Figure 10-17. Station Diagram U-8FSection Vlll. U-21 and RU-21 ILLUSTRATIONSFigure 10-18. Tactical Paint Scheme, RU-21Figure 10-19. Non-Tactical Paint Scheme, U-21 (Sheet 1 of 4)Figure 10-19. Non-Tactical Paint Scheme, U-21 (Continued) -600720483Figure 10-19. Non-Tactical Paint Scheme, U-21 (Continued) -600720484Figure 10-19. Non-Tactical Paint Scheme, U-21 (Continued) -600720485Figure 10-20. Non-Tactical, High Visibility Paint Scheme, U-21 (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 10-20. Non-Tactical, High Visibility Paint Scheme, U-21 (Continued)Figure 10-21. Interior Markings, U-21 and RU-21 (Sheet 1 of 5)Figure 10-21. Interior Markings, U-21 and RU-21 (Continued) -600720489Figure 10-21. Interior Markings, U-21 and RU-21 (Continued) -600720490Figure 10-21. Interior Markings, U-21 and RU-21 (Continued) -600720491Figure 10-21. Interior Markings, U-21 and RU-21 (Continued) -600720492Figure 10-12. Exterior Markings, U-21 and RU-21 (Sheet 1 of 13)Figure 10-12. Exterior Markings, U-21 and RU-21 (Continued) -600720494Figure 10-12. Exterior Markings, U-21 and RU-21 (Continued) -600720495Figure 10-12. Exterior Markings, U-21 and RU-21 (Continued) -600720496Figure 10-12. Exterior Markings, U-21 and RU-21 (Continued) -600720497Figure 10-12. Exterior Markings, U-21 and RU-21 (Continued) -600720498Figure 10-12. Exterior Markings, U-21 and RU-21 (Continued) -600720499Figure 10-12. Exterior Markings, U-21 and RU-21 (Continued) -600720500Figure 10-12. Exterior Markings, U-21 and RU-21 (Continued) -600720501Figure 10-12. Exterior Markings, U-21 and RU-21 (Continued) -600720502Figure 10-12. Exterior Markings, U-21 and RU-21 (Continued) -600720503Figure 10-12. Exterior Markings, U-21 and RU-21 (Continued) -600720504Figure 10-12. Exterior Markings, U-21 and RU-21 (Continued) -600720505Figure 10-23. Station Diagram, U-21 and RU- 21060072