CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION - TM-55-1510-215-100016INTRODUCTION cont.CHAPTER 2 AIRCRAFT AND SYSTEMS DESCRIPTION AND OPERATIONFigure 2-1. Typical General Exterior ArrangementFigure 2-2. General Interior ArrangementFigure 2-3. Principal DimensionsFigure 2-4. Turning Radius and Ground ClearanceFigure 2-5. Typical CockpitFigure 2-6. Typical Control Pedestal and Landing Gear Emergency Extension ControlsFigure 2-7. Typical Subpanels (sheet 1 of 2)Figure 2-7. Typical Subpanels (sheet 2 of 2)Steerable Nose Wheel.Wheel Brake System.Figure 2-8. Main Entrance and Cargo DoorsFigure 2-9. Pilot's and Copilot's SeatsSection II. EMERGENCY EQUIPMENTFigure 2-10. T74-CP-700 Engine (sheet 1 of 2)Figure 2-10. T74-CP-700 Engine (sheet 2 of 2) Engine Fuel Control System.Engine Fire Detection System. Engine Ignition System.Engine Instruments.Section IV. FUEL SYSTEMFigure 2-11. Fuel System SchematicFigure 2-12. Fuel Management Panel) Auxiliary fuel pump switches .Figure 2-13. Crossfeed Fuel FlowFirewall shutoff valves.Figure 2-14. Gravity Fuel Flow.Ferry Fuel System.Ferry Fuel System. cont. - TM-55-1510-215-100046Figure 2-15. Ferry Fuel SystemFerry Fuel System. cont. - TM-55-1510-215-100048Ferry Fuel System. cont. - TM-55-1510-215-100049Section V. FLIGHT CONTROLSFigure 2-16. Control Wheels and Control LocksSection VI. PROPELLERSPropeller Governors.Section VII. UTILITY SYSTEMSPropeller Electrothermal Deicer System.Pitot and Stall Warning Heat System.Oxygen System.Figure 2-17. Oxygen Supply SystemTable 2-2. Oxygen Duration (sheet 1 of 11)Table 2-2. Oxygen Duration (sheet 2 of 11)Table 2-2. Oxygen Duration (sheet 3 of 11)Table 2-2. Oxygen Duration (sheet 4 of 11)Table 2-2. Oxygen Duration (sheet 5 of 11)Table 2-2. Oxygen Duration (sheet 6 of 11)Table 2-2. Oxygen Duration (sheet 7 of 11)Table 2-2. Oxygen Duration (sheet 8 of 11)Table 2-2. Oxygen Duration (sheet 9 of 11)Table 2-2. Oxygen Duration (sheet 10 of 11)Table 2-2. Oxygen Duration (sheet 11 of 11)Oxygen masksWindshield Wipers.Section VIII. HEATING, VENTILATION, COOLING, AND ENVIRONMENTAL, CONTROL UNITHeating and Ventilation Systems.Section IX. ELECTRICAL POWER SUPPLY AND DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMFigure 2-18. Typical Circuit Breaker and Fuse PanelsFigure 2-19. Typical Electrical System Schematic (sheet 1 of 3)Figure 2-19. Electrical System Schematic (sheet 2 of 3)Figure 2- 19. Typical Electrical System Schematic (sheet 3 of 3)AC Power Supply.Ground Fault Protection System.Section X. LIGHTINGFigure 2-20. Exterior LightningFigure 2-21. Overhead Control PanelSection XI. FLIGHT INSTRUMENTSFigure 2-22. Typical Instrument Panel (sheet 1 of 2)Figure 2-22. Typical Instrument Panel (sheet 2 of 2)Copilot's Attitude Director Indicator.Miscellaneous Instruments.Miscellaneous Instruments. cont.Section XII. SERVICING, PARKING, AND MOORINGFigure 2-23. Servicing LocationsTable 2-3. Fuels, Lubricants, Specifications, and CapacitiesTable 2-4. Approved OilsTable 2-5. Approved FuelsTable 2-6. Standard, Alternate, and Emergency FuelsServicing Oil System.Inflating Tires.Table 2-7. Recommended Fluid Dilution ChartGround Handling.Figure 2-24. Oxygen System Servicing Pressure Parking.Figure 2-25. Parking, Covers, Ground Handling and Towing EquipmentInstallation of Protective Covers.Figure 2-26. Mooring the AircraftMooring.SECTION I. GENERALFigure 3-1. Audio Control PanelFigure 3-2. FM Liaison Set (AN/ARC-131)Voice Security System (TSEC/KY-28) (If installed).Figure 3-3. Voice Security Control-IndicatorUHF Command Set (AN/ARC-51BX) (If installed).Figure 3-4. UHF Command Set (AN/ARC-51BX)Figure 3-5. VHF Control PanelHF Communication Set (KHF 950).HF Communication Set (KHF 950). cont. Radio Telephone (KT 96)(Optional).Section III. NAVIGATIONFigure 3-5A. Emergency Locator Transmitter (ELT).Figure 3-6. Radio Magnetic Indicator (RMI)Figure 3-7. Gyromagnetic Compass Slave ControlFigure 3-8. Pilot's Horizontal Situation Indicator Copilot's Horizontal Situation Indicator.Figure 3-9. Copilot's Horizontal Situation IndicatorFigure 3-10. Pilot's Flight Director IndicatorFigure 3-11. Copilot's Attitude Director IndicatorFigure 3-12. Radar Altimeter IndicatorFigure 3-13. Altitude Select ControllerNAV 1 Receiver (KNS 81).Figure 3-14. NAV 1 ReceiverNAV 2 Receiver (KN 53).Figure 3-15. NAV 2 ReceiverFigure 3-16. ADF RadioADF Radio (KR 87).Figure 3-17. Mode ControllerFlight Control System (KFC 250). - TM-55-1510-215-100135Flight Control System (KFC 250). - TM-55-1510-215-100136Section IV. TRANSPONDER AND RADARFigure 3-18. Transponder (KT 76A)Figure 3-19. Transponder Control Panel (AN/APX-72)Transponder Set (AN/APX-72) (If installed).Transponder Set (AN/APX-72) (If installed). cont.Figure 3-20. Weather Radar Control/Indicator (AN/APN-215(V))Weather Radar Set (AN/APN- 215(V) 1).Figure 3-21. Pilot's Encoding AltimeterGround Proximity Altitude Advisory System (GPAAS).Figure 3-22. Ground Proximity Altitude Advisory System Controls and IndicatorsPilot's Encoding Altimeter.Pilot's Encoding Altimeter. cont.CHAPTER 4 MISSION EQUIPMENTCHAPTER 5 OPERATING LIMITS AND RESTRICTIONSFigure 5-1. Instrument Markings (Sheet 1 of 3)Figure 5-1. Instrument Markings (Sheet 2 of 3)Figure 5-1. Instrument Markings (Sheet 3 of 3)Section III. POWER LIMITSTable 5-1. Engine Operating LimitationsFigure 5-2. Takeoff Temperature LimitationsSection IV. LOADING LIMITSSection VI. MANEUVERING LIMITSFigure 5-3. Flight Envelope ChartSection VII. ENVIRONMENTAL RESTRICTIONSCHAPTER 6 WEIGHT/BALANCE AND LOADINGFigure 6-1. Aircraft Compartment and StationChart C - Basic Weight and Balance Record,Figure 6-2. Basic Weight and Balance RecordFigure 6-3. Weight and Balance Form DD 365-4 TransportSECTION III. FUEL/OILFigure 6-4. Fuel Moment ChartFigure 6-5. Personnel Loading (1 of 5)Figure 6-5. Personnel Loading (2 of 5)Figure 6-5. Personnel Loading (3 of 5)Figure 6-5. Personnel Loading (4 of 5)Figure 6-5. Personnel Loading (5 of 5)Figure 6-6. Personnel Moments (1 of 3)Figure 6-6. Personnel Moments (2 of 3)Figure 6-6. Personnel Moments (3 of 3)Personnel Loading and Unloading.Section V. CARGO LOADINGFigure 6-7. Cargo MomentsTable 6-1. Cargo Center-of-Gravity Location Planning ExampleSection VI. CENTER OF GRAVITYFigure 6-8. Center of GravityCHAPTER 7 PERFORMANCE DATAChapter 7 Index.Chapter 7 Index. cont.Color Coding.Section II. PERFORMANCE PLANNINGFigure 7-1. Performance Planning Card (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-1. Performance Planning Card (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-2. Temperature Conversion CorrectionPerformance Information.Airspeed Position Error Correction.Figure 7-3. Airspeed Calibration-Normal SystemFigure 7-4. Airspeed Calibration-Emergency SystemFigure 7-5. Altimeter Correction-Normal SystemFigure 7-6. Altimeter Correction-Emergency SystemSection III. CROSSWIND - TAKEOFF OR LANDINGFigure 7-7. Crosswind-Takeoff or LandingSection IV. IDLE FUEL FLOWFigure 7-8. Idle Fuel FlowSection V. TORQUE AVAILABLE FOR TAKEOFFFigure 7-9. Torque Available for TakeoffSection VI. NORMAL TAKEOFFFigure 7-10. Takeoff-NormalSection VII. NORMAL ROTATION/TAKEOFF AIRSPEEDFigure 7-11. Normal Rotation Takeoff AirspeedSection VIII. ACCELERATION CHECKFigure 7-12. Acceleration CheckSection IX. ACCELERATE - STOP DISTANCEFigure 7-13. Accelerate-Stop DistanceSection X. MINIMUM SINGLE-ENGINE CONTROL AIRSPEEDFigure 7-14. Minimum Single-Engine Control AirspeedSection XI. SINGLE-ENGINE CLIMBFigure 7-15. Single-Engine ClimbSection XII. OPERATION ENVELOPEFigure 7-16. Operation EnvelopeSection XIII. CRUISE CLIMBFigure 7-17. Cruise ClimbSection XIV. CRUISEFigure 7-18. Cruise ExampleDescription.Figure 7-19. Cruise FAT -10C, Sea Level (sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-19. Cruise FAT - 10 C, Sea Level (sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-20. Cruise FAT 0C, Sea Level (sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-20. Cruise FAT 0C, Sea Level (sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-21. Cruise FAT 10C, Sea Level (sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-21. Cruise FAT 10 C, Sea Level (sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-22. Cruise FAT 20 C, Sea Level (sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-22. Cruise FAT 20 C, Sea Level (sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-23. Cruise FAT 30 C, Sea Level (sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-23. Cruise FAT 30 C, Sea Level (sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-24. Cruise FAT 40C, Sea Level (sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-24. Cruise FAT 40 C, Sea Level (sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-25. Cruise FAT 50 C, Sea Level (sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-25. Cruise FAT 50C, Sea Level (sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-26. Cruise FAT -20C, 4000 Ft (sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-26. Cruise FAT -20C, 4000 Ft (sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-27. Cruise FAT -10C, 4000 Ft (sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-27. Cruise FAT -10C, 4000 Ft (sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-28. Cruise FAT 0C, 4000 Ft (sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-28. Cruise FAT 0C, 4000 Ft (sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-29. Cruise FAT 10 C, 4000 Ft (sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7- 29. Cruise FAT 10 , 4000 Ft (sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-30. Cruise FAT 20 C, 4000 Ft (sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-30. Cruise FAT 20 C, 4000 Ft (sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-31. Cruise FAT 30 C, 4000 Ft (sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-31. Cruise FAT 30 C, 4000 Ft (sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-32. Cruise FAT 40 C, 4000 FtFigure 7-33. Cruise FAT -30C, 8000 Ft (sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-33. Cruise FAT -30C, 8000 Ft (sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-34. Cruise FAT -20C, 8000 Ft (sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-34. Cruise FAT -20C, 8000 Ft (sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-35. Cruise FAT -10C, 8000 Ft (sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-35. Cruise FAT -10C, 8000 Ft (sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-36. Cruise FAT 0C, 8000 Ft (sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-36. Cruise FAT 0C, 8000 Ft (sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-37. Cruise FAT 10 C, 8000 Ft (sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-37. Cruise FAT 10 C, 8000 FT (sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-38. Cruise FAT 20C, 8000 FtFigure 7-39. Cruise FAT 30C, 8000 FtFigure 7-40. Cruise FAT -30C, 12,000 (sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-40. Cruise FAT -30C, 12,000 Ft (sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-41. Cruise FAT -20C, 12,000 Ft (sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7- 41. Cruise FAT - 20 , 12,000 Ft (sheet 2 of 2 )Figure 7-42. Cruise FAT -10C, 12,000 Ft (sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-42. Cruise FAT -10C, 12,000 Ft (sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-43. Cruise FAT 10C, 12,000 FtFigure 7-44. Cruise FAT 10 C, 12,000 FtFigure 7-45. Cruise FAT 20 C, 12,000 FtFigure 7-46. Cruise FAT -40C, 16,000 FtFigure 7-47. Cruise FAT -30C, 16,000 FtFigure 7-48. Cruise FAT -20C 16,000 FtFigure 7-49. Cruise FAT -10C, 16,000 FtFigure 7-50. Cruise FAT 0C, 16,000 FtFigure 7-51. Cruise Fat 10 C, 16,000 FtFigure 7-52. Cruise FAT 20 C, 16,000 FtFigure 7-53. Cruise FAT -50C, 20,000 FtFigure 7-54. Cruise FAT -40C, 20,000 FtFigure 7-55. Cruise FAT -30C, 20,000 FtFigure 7- 56. Cruise FAT - 20 , 20,000 FtFigure 7- 57. Cruise FAT - 10 , 20,000 FtFigure 7-58. Cruise FAT 0C, 20,000 FtFigure 7- 59. Cruise FAT 10 , 20,000 FtFigure 7-60. Cruise FAT -60C 24,000 FtFigure 7- 61. Cruise FAT - 50 , 24,000 FtFigure 7-62. Cruise FAT -40C, 24,000 FtFigure 7-63. Cruise FAT -30C, 24,000 FtFigure 7-64. Cruise FAT -20C, 24,000 FtFigure 7-65. Cruise FAT -10C, 24,000 FtFigure 7- 66. Cruise FAT - 60 , 25,000 FtFigure 7-67. Cruise FAT -50C, 25,000 Ft - TM-55-1510-215-100290Figure 7-67. Cruise FAT -50C, 25,000 Ft - TM-55-1510-215-100291Figure 7-69. Cruise FAT -30C, 25,000 FtFigure 7- 70. Cruise FAT - 20 C, 25,000 FtSection XV. CLIMB/DESCENTFigure 7-71. Climb/DescentSection XVI. APPROACH SPEEDFigure 7- 72. Approach SpeedSection XVII. LANDINGFigure 7- 73. LandingCHAPTER 8 NORMAL PROCEDURESSection II. OPERATING PROCEDURES AND MANEUVERSOperating Procedures and Maneuvers.Figure 8-1. Exterior CheckSymbols Definition.Symbols Definition. cont.Before Staring Engines.Before Staring Engines. cont.Starting Engines (Battery/GPU).*Before Taxiing.*Before Taxiing. cont. - TM-55-1510-215-100310*Before Taxiing. cont. - TM-55-1510-215-100311Figure 8-2. Exhaust Danger AreaTaxiing. Engine Runup. Engine Runup. cont.Before Takeoff.Takeoff.Climb Max Rate.Obstacle Clearance Approach.Engine Shutdown.Section III. INSTRUMENT FLIGHTSection IV. FLIGHT CHARACTERISTICSFigure 8-4. Stall SpeedSpins.Section V. ADVERSE ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS Desert Operation.Turbulent Air and Thunderstorms. Ice and Rain.Section VI. CREW DUTIESCHAPTER 9 EMERGENCY PROCEDURESFigure 9-1. Emergency Exits and Equipment (sheet 1 of 2)Figure 9-1. Emergency Exits and Equipment (sheet 2 of 2)Figure 9-2. Emergency EntranceEngine Malfunction During Flight. Engine Restart During Flight (Using Starter).Landing With One or More Engines Inoperative.MAXIMUM GLIDE DISTANCESingle Engine Go-Around. The decision toPropeller.Fire.Fuel System.Electrical System.Both Gen Out Lights Illuminated.Flight Controls MalfunctionLanding Emergencies.Emergency Descent. Ditching.Ditching Procedure.Bailout.APPENDIX A REFERENCES - TM-55-1510-215-100350APPENDIX B ABBREVIATIONS AND TERMSMeteorological Terminology. Power Terminology.Graph and Tabular Terminology.Miscellaneous Abbreviations.Weight and Balance Terminology.Paragraph, Figure, Table Number - TM-55-1510-215-100357Paragraph, Figure, Table Number - TM-55-1510-215-100358Paragraph, Figure, Table Number - TM-55-1510-215-100359Paragraph, Figure, Table Number - TM-55-1510-215-100360Paragraph, Figure, Table Number - TM-55-1510-215-100361TM-55-1510-215-10 Army U-21G Aircraft Manual