TM 55-1510-215-10
c. Emergency Operation.
For emergency
2-61. Stall Warning System.
operation, the affected crew member selects the
EMERGENCY position of the emergency pressure
Approach to a stall is indicated by a steady tone of a
control lever on his oxygen regulator control panel. This
warning horn located behind the right subpanel. A small
selection provides 100% oxygen, at a positive pressure,
metal vane located on the left wing leading edge, is
regardless of the position of the diluter control lever on
moved by any change in airflow over the leading edge of
his panel. The cabin oxygen system is not equipped
the wing.
When the airspeed decreases to
with oxygen regulator control panels.
Oxygen flow
approximately 5 to 10 knots above stall speed,
control to the passenger oxygen outlets is maintained by
movement of the vane actuates switch which completes
the pilot who actuates the cabin oxygen system slow
a DC electrical circuit to the start warning horn. Since
release valve.
the vane is affected by the same aerodynamic forces
that result in the stall, the system functions regardless of
2-60. Windshield Wipers.
the type of stall or configuration of landing gear and wing
flaps, the only variation in performance being the margin
a. Description.
of airspeed at which the warning occurs. To prevent ice
windshield wipers are provided for use at takeoff and
formations on the stall warning vane an electrically
landing speed (fig. 2-5). Operation at cruise speed may
operated heating element is installed, which is controlled
result in damage to the wiper operating mechanism. A
by a 5-ampere STALL WARN circuit breaker switch
located on the left subpanel. The stall warning circuit is
WIPER, located on the overhead control panel, selects
protected by a 5-ampere circuit breaker, placarded
mode of windshield wiper operation. An information
placard below the switch states: DO NOT OPERATE ON
and a 5-ampere circuit breaker placarded STALL
DRY GLASS. Function positions on the switch as read
WARNING CKT BKR on a bracket below the battery box
clockwise, are placarded: PARK - OFF - SLOW - FAST.
When the switch is held in the spring-loaded PARK
setting the blades will return to their normal inoperative
2-62. Seating Provisions.
position on the glass, then, when released, the switch
will return to OFF position terminating windshield wiper
a. Troop Transport. The troop transport versions
operation. The FAST and SLOW switch positions are
will accommodate ten combat equipped troops in the
separate operating speed settings for wiper operation.
cabin with five non-adjustable, bench-type seat units.
The windshield wiper circuit is protected by one 10-
One rode of each seat unit attaches to wall structure of
ampere circuit breaker, placarded WSHLD WIPER,
the fuselage, and the other side is supported by foldable
legs which insert into slotted tracks mounted on the floor.
All seat units are removable, however, they may also be
folded up and strapped close to the compartment walls
using straps attached for that purpose.
Six seat
positions are located along the right wall and four along
the left wall.
All face the center aisle.
equipment and personnel packs may be stowed beneath
Do not operate windshield wipers on
the seats. Seat belts are installed at each seat position.
dry glass. Such action can damage
the linkage as well as scratch the
b. Air Ambulance.
When configured for air
windshield glass.
ambulance use the cabin has three seating positions to
accommodate medical attendants and ambulatory
b. Normal Operation. To start turn WINDSHIELD
patients, and provisions to install three litters. The three
WIPER switch to FAST or SLOW speed, as desired. To
forward seat positions along the right side are utilized.
stop turn the switch to the PARK position and release.
Litter suspension mountings are provided for two litters
The blades will return to their normal inoperative position
on the aft-right side, and one litter on the left-forward
and stop. Turning the switch only to the OFF potation
will stop the windshield wipers, without returning them to
the normal inactive position.
c. Staff Transport.
When configured as staff
transport the cabin has two forward-facing chair