TM 55-1510-215-10
b. Replenishing Oxygen System.
handling procedures applicable to it, before attempting to
accomplish ground handling.
1. Remove protective cap on oxygen cylinder
filler valve.
b. Ground Handling Safety Practice.
equipped with turboprop engines require additional
2. Attach oxygen hose from oxygen servicing
maintenance safety practices.
The following list of
unit to filler valve.
safety practices should be observed at all times to
prevent possible injury to personnel and/or damaged or
destroyed aircraft:
1. Keep intake air ducts free of loose articles
such as rags, tools, etc.
If the oxygen cylinder pressure is
below 50 PSI, do not attempt to
service system. Make an entry on DA
Form 2408-13.
3. During ground runup, make sure the
brakes are firmly set.
3. Insure that supply cylinder shutoff valves
on the aircraft are open.
of maintenance equipment.
4. Fill system slowly to prevent overheating
by adjusting recharging rate with pressure regulating
5. Do not operate engines with control
valve on oxygen servicing unit.
surfaces in the LOCKED position.
5. Close pressure regulati ng valve on
6. Do not attempt towing or taxiing of the
oxygen servicing unit when pressure gage on oxygen
aircraft with control surfaces in the LOCKED position.
cylinder indicates the pressure obtained from the oxygen
7. When high winds are present, do not
unlock the control surfaces until prepared to properly
6. Disconnect oxygen hose from oxygen
operate them.
servicing unit and filler valve.
8. Do not operate engines while towing
7. Install protective cap on oxygen filler
equipment is attached to the aircraft, or while the aircraft
is tied down.
2-94. Ground Handling.
9. Check the nose wheel position. Unless it
is in the centered position, avoid operating the engines
Ground handling covers all the essential information
at high power settings.
concerning movement and handling of the aircraft while
on the ground. The following paragraphs give, in detail,
10. Hold control surfaces in the neutral
the instructions and precautions necessary to
position when the engines are being operated at high
accomplish ground handling functions.
power settings.
a. General Ground Handling Procedure. Accidents
11. Keep personnel clear of exhaust danger
resulting in injury to personnel and damage to equipment
can be avoided or minimized by close observance of
existing safety standards and recognized ground
12. When moving the aircraft, do not push on
handling procedures.
Carelessness or insufficient
knowledge of the aircraft or equipment being handled
elements may result.
can be fatal. The applicable technical manuals and
pertinent directives should be studied for familiarization
c. Moving Aircraft on Ground.
Aircraft on the
with the aircraft, its components, and the ground
ground shall be moved in accordance with the following: