TM 55-1510-215-10
Section I. GENERAL
5-1. Purpose.
5-3. Exceeding Operational Limits.
This chapter identifies or refers to all important
Anytime an operational limit is exceeded an
operating limits and restrictions that shall be observed
appropriate entry shall be made on DA Form 2408-13.
during ground and flight operations.
Entry shall state what limit or limits were exceeded,
range, time beyond limits, and any additional data that
5-2. General.
would aid maintenance personnel in the maintenance
action that may be required.
The operating limitations set forth in this chapter are
the direct result of design analysis, tests, and operating
5-4. Minimum Crew Requirements.
experiences. Compliance with these limits will allow the
pilot to safely perform the assigned missions and to
The minimum crew required for aircraft operation is
derive maximum utility from the aircraft.
one pilot. Additional crewmembers as required will be
added at the discretion of the commander, in
accordance with pertinent Department of the Army
5-5. Instrument Markings.
5-7. Instrument Glass Alignment Marks.
Several instruments display operating limitations
(fig. 5-1). The
operating limitations are color coded on
semitransparent color tape which adhere to the glass
the instrument faces. Color coding of each instrument is
outside of an indicator dial. Each tape strip shall align to
explained in the illustration. The instrument illustration
increment marks on the dial face so correct operating
also denotes, in bold type, the fuel grade upon which
limits are portrayed. The pilot should occasionally verify
limits are based.
alignment of the glass to the dial face. For this purpose,
all engine instruments (except fuel flow meters) have
5-6. Instrument Marking Color Codes.
short, vertical white alignment marks extending from the
bottom part of the dial glass onto the fixed base of the
Operating limitations and ranges are illustrated by
indicator. These slippage marks appear as a single
the colored markings which appear on the dial faces of
vertical line when limitation markings on the glass
engine, flight, and utility system instruments. RED
properly align with reading increments on the dial face.
markings on the dial faces of these instruments indicate
However, the slippage marks appear as separate radial
the limit above or below which continued operation is
lines when a dial glass has rotated.
likely to cause damage or shorten life. The GREEN
markings on instruments indicate the safe or normal
5-8. Propeller Limitations.
range of operation.
The YELLOW markings on
instruments indicate the range when special attention
Propeller limitations consist of RPM limits and
should be given to the operation covered by the
situation limits for the use of reverse pitch. The normal
instrument. Operation is permissible in the yellow range,
propeller operating range (green arc) extends from 1800
but should be avoided.
WHITE markings on the
to 2200 RPM, with a red line at 2200 RPM. However,
instruments indicate flap operating range.
the actual governor controlled limits are 1750 to 2332