TM 55-1510-215-10
7-32. Description.
d. Techniq ue - Apply takeoff power and accelerate
on the runway.
When the aircraft passes an
relationship between indicated airspeed and ground roll
airspeed has been achieved.
distance during the takeoff run.
e. Runway - This chart is based on a dry, hard
7-33. Use of Chart.
surface runway. Conditions other than this may vary
aircraft operation. Adjust ground roll distance for runway
Required airspeeds at designated points along the
gradient before entering this chart. Refer to Takeoff-
runway are obtained from this chart. This chart is used
in conjunction with the ground roll distance from the
Takeoff-Normal Chart (fig.
f. Wind - All data presented is based on calm wind
airspeed from the Normal Rotation/Takeoff Airspeed
conditions. Since surface wind conditions cannot be
accurately predicted, all takeoffs shall be planned based
obtained at a selected distance and the runway length is
on calm wind.
critical, the takeoff should be aborted.
7-34. Conditions.
This chart should always be entered
a. Engines - Both engines operating with takeoff
with the takeoff airspeed appropriate
power and 2200 RPM according to Torque Available for
to the weight.
b. Flaps - UP.
takeoff ground roll to an acceleration check point
(runway distance marker, etc.)
c. Landing Gear - DN.