TM 55-1510-215-10
7-41. Description.
c. Flaps - UP.
shows the critical engine inoperative takeoff rate of
d. Landing Gear - UP (after liftoff).
climb for varying air temperatures, altitudes, and
weights for the gear down and gear up
e. Technique - Achieve and maintain the obstacle
For single-engine cruise
clearance airspeed appropriate to the weight. Refer to
information refer to the Cruise Charts
Minimum Single Engine Control Speed Chart (fig.
Refer to Normal Rotation/Takeoff
7-42. Use of Chart.
down rates of climb are based on
This chart is to be used to determine single
climb at the scheduled takeoff
engine performance in the event of engine failure
airspeed. Gear up rates of climb are
during the takeoff and initial climb segments.
based on climb at the scheduled
Either weight for a desired rate-of-climb, or rate-of-
obstacle clearance airspeed.
climb for a known weight can be determined.
Performance within the red zone(s) indicates the
lack of positive climb capability.
7-43. Conditions.
a.Operating Engine - Operate at takeoff power
and 2200 RPM according to the Torque Available