TM 55-1650-261-40
General Support Maintenance Category
(3) Recoverability code indicates whether unserviceable items should be returned for recovery or salvage. Repair
parts and assemblies not assigned a recoverability code shall be considered expendable; however, repair may be
accomplished on such items to the extent that maintenance instructions and parts are available to the maintenance
category authorized to remove, repair and replace the item.
Applies to repair parts and assemblies which are economically reparable at DSU and GSU activities and
normally are furnished by supply on an exchange basis.
b. Federal Stock Number - Column 2. This column indicates the Federal stock number assigned to the item and will
be used for requisitioning purposes. An item in one of the following categories will not be published with a
Federal stock number.
Items source coded A, M or X1
c. Description - Column 3. This column indicates the Federal item name and any additional description of the item
required. There are two sub columns for column 3, which reflect the reference number and models usable on data.
(1) The part number or other reference number followed by the applicable five-digit Federal supply code for
manufacturer in parentheses will appear in the subcolumn located to the extreme left of the description column.
(2) The models usable on data applicable to the equipment will appear in the subcolumn located to the extreme
right of the description column. Not applicable.
d. Unit of Issue (U/I) - Column 4. This column lists the standard or minimum basic quantity in which the item is
issued; e.g.: each, pound, set, etc,
e. Quantity Incorporated in Unit - Column 5. This column indicates quantities required for one assembly only,
including instances when similar assemblies are broken down together. When attaching parts are shown as attaching two
or more items, the quantities of the attaching parts are those necessary to attach only one of the items. The alphabetic
symbol "AR" in this column indicates AS REQUIRED quantities.