TM 55-1670-251-20&P/TO 13D3-2-2
Figure 1-2. Stowage Diagram Concluded (sheet 2 of 2).
p. Polyester Roundslings. Roundslings consist of a
(2) PRS2EO17.
This 17 foot size two
continuous loop load bearing core formed with polyester
roundsling is used to make up the tail cone sling leg for
yarn fully enclosed in a woven polyester protective cover.
the UH-60 and AH-64 or as a lightweight belly band
Roundslings used with this kit are formed into eye and
eye slings with an additional wear pad sewn into each
eye. The seven foot and 17 foot roundslings have a
(3) PRS3E008. This eight foot, size three
secondary protective sleeve which extends over the full
roundsling has a rated capacity of 6700 pounds in a
body of the sling. To reduce weight, the 30 foot, 65 foot,
choker configuration. It is used as the main rotor head
and 70 foot roundslings have only a 24 inch sliding wear
slings on the UH-60 and AH-64 helicopters. It may be
pad to protect the sling where it is form into a basket or
used in lieu of the size two, PRS2E008, roundslings.
otherwise contacts the load. The roundsling are very
flexible and conform to the load well whether in a straight
(4) PRS3E007.
This 17 foot, size three
vertical pull, a choker or basket configuration. The
roundsling has a rated capacity of 8400 pound in a single
basket configuration allows smaller capacity slings to be
line vertical configuration. It can be used in lieu of the
used as adjustable length links in larger capacity lines.
PRS3E017, size two roundsling. It can be used as a
pendant for OH-58, UH-i and AH-I.
(1) PRS2E008. This eight foot long, size two
roundsling has a rated capacity of 4200 pounds in a
(5) PRS5C030. This 30 foot long, size five
choker configuration. It is used for rotor head lift of the
roundsling has a rated capacity of 13,200 pound as a
OH-58, UH-1 and AH-1. Two are also used in the
single line and 26,000 pound in a basket configuration. It
supplemental lifting line for the UH-60. One forms a
is used in a basket configuration to connect the main
basket around the tail cone and the other is formed into a
rotor slings on the UH-60 and AH-64 to the apex fitting.
double basket to provide a two foot connecting strap
between the other eight foot and two 17 foot roundslings.
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