TM 55-2840-231-23
COMPONENT - A unit somewhat similar to an accessory in that it is self-contained but differing in that
it is designed to control operations. Valves, switches, solenoids, etc., are typical components.
CONFIGURATION - A term referring to the form, shape or contour of a part or parts.
CONTAMINATION (FOREIGN MATERIAL) - Any foreign substance such as metal chips, lint, rust and
water that would be harmful to the functioning of a part or system.
CORROSION - A mass of small pits which cumulatively create a large cavity (usually shallow) in the sur-
face of the parent metal.
CRACK - Parting of parent metal.
DEFECT - A general term covering any flaw affecting the usefulness or serviceability of a part.
DENT - A completely smooth surface depression caused by pressure or impact from a smooth ball-like
foreign object. The parent material is displaced, but usually none is separated.
DESICCANT - A drying agent; usually place in containers, along with parts being stored, to absorb moisture
and prevent rusting.
DIAMETER - The length of a chord passing through the center of a circle.
DISCOLORATION - The change in color of a surface, which usually becomes darker. Usually caused by
heat or buildup of varnish film.
DISTORTION - Twisting or bending out of a normal, natural or original shape, usually caused from being
exposed to excessive pressure or temperature either when restrained or unrestrained.
EROSION - The clearing away of metal.
FIT - The amount of tightness or looseness between mating parts when assembled together.
FLAKING - Breaking away of paint or plate.
FLUSH - A shop term used in describing two surfaces that are even with each other. The term is also
used to describe the washing or cleaning of chips or dirt by pressure flushing.
FOREIGN OBJECT - Any object such as a tool, piece of equipment, engine part (nut, bolt, lockwire) that
could in any way damage the engine.
FRAYING - Wearing or rubbing of areas, generally used in reference to darnage on wire-braid covering
(of Teflon hose) or on thermocouple harnesses.