TM 55-2840-241-23
Figure 1-7. Oil Pump Schematic
1-23. Acceleration Bleed Air System.
c. Compressor discharge air pressure sensing for
bleed control valve operation, is obtained at a sensing
a. The compressor bleed air system permits rapid
port on the compressor scroll. The bleed control valve is
engine response. The system has a compressor dis-
normally open; it is closed by compressor discharge
charge pressure sending port on the scroll, tubing from
the sensing port to the bleed valve, a compressor bleed
pressure. See figure 1-9 for bleed control valve opening
and closing speeds.
valve (figure 1-8) and a bleed air manifold on the com-
pressor case.
1-24. Air Bleed Extraction.
b. A slot in the compressor wall over the fifth stage
TWO ports are provided on the diffuser scroll to sup-
blades compressor air into a manifold, which is an
ply compressor bleed air for aircraft systems. Bleed
integral part of the compressor case. The manifold
airflow is limited to four percent of total engine airflow.
fore-s the mounting flange for the compressor bleed
control valve when the compressor case halves are
1-25. Leading Particulars.
Engine leading particulars are listed in table 1-1.
Performance ratings are listed in table 1-2.
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