officer. Use of the symbol will apply only to replacement of major assemblies and
time-consuming operations which are within the capabilities of organization
but over which control by the commodity commands is considered essential.
In no case will the direct support maintenance officer require the accomplish-
ment of a "%%" maintenance function by an organization or unit, and in no
case will a "%%" function authorize stockage of parts at organizational level.
Column 4, Tools and equipment. This column will be used to
specify, by code those tools and test equipment required to perform the
designated function.
Column 5, Remarks. Self-explanatory.
A maintenance function assigned to a maintenance level, which for
any reason is beyond its capability, becomes the responsibility of the next
higher maintenance level.
The authority to perform a maintenance function does not con-
stitute authority to requisition or otherwise
as specified in current supply directives.
secure necessary repair parts
Normally, there will be no deviations from the assigned main-
tenance level. In cases of operational necessity, a maintenance function
assigned to a maintenance level may, on a one-time basis and at the request
of the lower maintenance level, be authorized to the lower maintenance level
by the maintenance officer of the level to which the function is assigned.
The furnisning of special tools, equipments, and the like, required
by the lower maintenance level to perform this function, will be the respon-
sibility of the level to which the function is assigned.