TM 55-4920-428-13
Chapter 1
1-1. General.
This manual describes the Integrated Lower Control Actuator (ILCA) Bench Test Set 145GS278-1 and
provides operation, maintenance, and parts information for the equipment.
b. The test set tests integrated lower control actuators 145H7300 series which are installed in the CH-47D
flight control system. The ILCA is hydraulically operated by the flight control hydraulic systems. Some functions
of the ILCA are controlled mechanically by the flight controls. Other functions are controlled electrically by the
helicopters Advanced Flight Control System (AFCS).
1-2. Forms and Records.
a. Reports of Maintenance and Unsatisfactory Equipment.
Use equipment forms and records in accord-
ance with instructions in DA PAM 738-751.
Reports of Damage or Improper Shipment.
Fill out and forward DD Form 6 (Report of Damaged or Im-
proper Shipment) is prescribed in AR 700-58.
1-3. Reporting Equipment Improvement Recommendations (EIRs)
If your ILCA Bench Test Set needs improvement, let us know. Send us an EIR. You, the user, arc the only one who can
tell us what you dont like about your equipment. Let us know why you dont like the design. Tell us why a procedure is
hard to perform. Put it on a SF368 (Quality Deficiency Report). Mail it to us at Headquarters Commander, US Army Avi-
ation and Troop Command, ATTN: AMSAT-I-MDO, 4300 Goodfellow Blvd., ST. Louis, MO 63120-1798. Well send you
a reply.
1-4. Administrative Storage.
Temporary storage of equipment issued to and used by Army activities shall be in accordance with TM
55-1500-204-25/1, General Aircraft Maintenance Manual.
1-5. Destruction of Army Equipment to Prevent Enemy Use.
Destruction of Army equipment to prevent enemy use shall be in accordance with TM 750-244-2.
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