TB 1-1615-351-23
(4) Coat as follows:
(b) Use a new paint brush when the old brush starts to drag. It should take a new brush every two to three
cans to do the job properly.
(c) If the blades are on the aircraft, coating the bottom will take a different technique. As you coat the bottom
you must keep working the material until it starts to set. Long, smooth strokes with the brush being pulled at a low angle
to the blade works best.
Pull the masking tape off as soon as the application is complete. Do not wait for
the coating to set. After the coating sets, masking tape removal becomes very
difficult and the edge of the coating will be rough and may debond slightly.
It is more efficient or one person to apply the coating and the second person to
assist in mixing of the next can of coating, rotating blades, taking care of
expended cans and brushes, etc.
Successive coats may be applied as rapidly as practical, as long as the material
can be spread smoothly and evenly with the maximum build-up at the leading
e. Applying L-100 Coating to Tail Rotor Blade Tip Caps .
(1) Position the tail rotor vertically.
(2) Apply 2 coats as illustrated on Figure 3-31 and the techniques described for the main rotor. Rotate the tail
rotor to apply the coating to the next blade and repeat until the coating has been applied to all blades for the required
number of coats.