TB 1-1615-351-23
(7) Mix Coating. Stir Part A of coating before using. After the primer dries, mix 3/4 beaker of AGC
1201-1R polyurethane coating Part A with 1/4 beaker AGC1201-3R Part B in a can and mix well. Do
not stir again after it is mixed well. If a skin forms on top of the coating, remove it.
(8) Coating Application.
(a) Brush on 5 coats to the entire area shown in figure 3-54, allowing five minutes minimum
drying time between recoating a specific area. Brush on heavy coats with light pressure to avoid
damaging previous coats. If lumps form in the coating, discard and mix a new batch.
(b) Remove masking tape after the first 5 coats are applied and apply the remaining coats by
eye. Total number coats are shown in figure 3-55. Allow the coating to cure 24 hours at 70 degrees F
or above.
Wet primer can be cleaned up with denatured alcohol or MEK. Wet
coating can be cleaned up with MEK.
e. Polyurethane Curing. After polyurethane application, allow 24 hours curing time.
f. Tape Repair. Replace the entire damaged piece of tape. Remove with a plastic scraper. Replace
per the installation instructions.
TASK L-100 polyurethane paint may be utilized to repair damaged areas of
3M 8663 polyurethane tape. The damaged tape areas must not be larger than
three inches in diameter. No more than a single damaged area may be repaired
per each thirty-six inch length of tape.
All TASK L-100 polyurethane paint and 3M 8663 polyurethane tape applications
to the aircraft must be maintained in accordance with Technical Bulletin 1-1615-
(1) Scuff sand the damaged area with 80 grit sand paper to remove any dirt and debonded edges.
(2) Clean the damaged tape area with a clean piece of cheesecloth dampened with Isopropyl
(3) Wipe the damaged tape area completely dry with a clean, dry piece of cheesecloth.
(4) Mix and apply TASK L-100 POLYURETHANE PAINT to the damaged tape area per the
instructions in TB 1-1615-351-23 until the damage is repaired.
(5) Allow the TASK L-100 polyurethane paint application to cure six hours before operating the
rotor blades.
g. Coating Repair. Local damage to the polyurethane coating can be touched up by brushing
additional coating to the damaged area. Carefully remove the disbonded material. Scuff the damaged
area with 120 grit sandpaper. Wipe clean with MEK. Prime the area with AGC 1201-7 primer if the
blade surface is exposed. Coat the damaged area with sufficient coats polyurethane coating to match
the thickness of adjacent areas. Application of TASK L-100 polyurethane paint to repair minor damage
on Agcoat material is authorized for this procedure.
Change 3
3-132.1/(3-132.2 blank)