TM 1-1500-204-23-1e.ServingElasticShockCord. Serve elasticshock cord using the following procedures:(1)Secure adjacent sections of elastic shockcord in stretch fixture and mark minimum length of cordto be served. Minimum serving lengths are specified Intable 9-9.(2)Stretch elastic shock cords until markedserving length has Increased 100 percent. Maintain thislength during entire serving operation.(3)Use a piece of serving cord of sufficientlength to form a loop extending a minimum of 1 inchpast mark used to designate one end of elongatedserving area.(4)Form a tail extending a minimum of 6-inches past mark used to designate other end ofelongated area, as shown in figure 9-44.(5)Place loop on top of elastic shock cordsover area to be served.NOTETypes of serving cord are specifiedin paragraph 9-26b, step (8).(6)Hold loop firmly on top of adjacentsections of elastic shock cord and wrap serving cordaround elastic shock cord. Make wraps over loop usinga half hitch knot in serving cord at completion of eachwrap. Pull serving cord tight.Figure 9-44. Preparation for Serving Shock Cord(7)Continue serving elastic shock cord asspecified above until required length of serving hasbeen applied.NOTEWhile serving, keep tail end of loopoutside of half hitches for a distanceof half the length of the requiredserving. Keep it under serving forreminder of required distance asshown in figure 9-45.(8)When the required length of elastic shockcord has been served, put end of serving cord throughloop and pull tail end until both ends have been pulledthrough. Cut ends of serving cord as close as practicalto serving wraps.f.ProcessControl. The following procedures areused for elastic shock cord process control:(1)Accomplish periodic checks of storagearea to assure requirements of paragraph 9-26b arecomplied with(2)Maintain control of elastic shock cord asspecified in TM 1-1500-204-23-6.(3)Crimp lockrings securely in place withends of ring in contact with each other.NOTE:LOOPS AROUND ELASTIC CORD ARE SHOWNSEPARATED FOR CLARITY OF SERVINGOPERATION.Figure 9-45. Serving Elastic Shock Cord9-64
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