TM 1-1500-204-23-1
11-7. Maintenance Area.
The ALSE maintenance
area consists of work, storage, and fitting areas. Access
to a classroom adjacent to or in close proximity of the life
support area is desired for lectures and instructions on
the equipment being used and survival conditions. The
shop should contain not less than 1,000 square feet of
usable area that is environmentally controlled within
range of +60°F (15.6°C) to 75°F (23.8°C) and have a
potable water source i.e., hot and cold water. The area
will be protected from pilferage, dampness, fire, dust,
insects, rodents, direct sunlight, and be free from uncon-
trolled foot and vehicle traffic. To ensure that all ALSE is
maintained in a high state of readiness through inspect-
ing, cleaning, fitting, testing, adjusting, and repairing, all
maintenance will be in accordance with the applicable
TM, TO, or NAVAIR. For additional information refer to
FM 1-508. Table 11-1 lists recommended test equipment
for the ALSE work area.
11-8. Work Area Criteria.
The work area will have
bench surfaces free from rough or abrasive materials,
splinter-free tops with a nonporous surface. The area is
to be well-lighted with accessible electrical outlets to all
bench and desk areas. Cabinets and work benches/
tables with locks should be used for securing test equip-
ment, tools, and supplies. Units that have oxygen equip-
ment will have an area set aside for oxygen maintenance
that will have hot and cold running water, stainless steel
sinks, and floors that are sealed and protected from
spills. The area will be restricted to ALSE personnel only.
Units supporting flotation equipment will have a moisture
and oil-free source of low-pressure, high-volume air and
a vacuum source. A vacuum cleaner may be used; how-
ever, the vacuum cleaner must not be used for cleaning
at any time, because dirt and dust must not be induced
into the flotation cells. The floor of the work shop will be
sealed and coated to prevent chemical spills from pene-
trating the floor surface. The work area will have hot and
cold running water for cleaning equipment as well as a
wash area. Cleanliness is very important in maintaining
the equipment. Smoking, eating or drinking should not be
permitted in the area.
11-9. Storage Area Criteria.
The storage area will be
well-ventilated, out of direct sunlight, and well-lighted.
The storage area will have storage shelves and cabinets
that provide security for the stored equipment and be free
from dust, moisture, fire, insects, and rodents. The floor
is to be sealed and covered with a dust-free flooring
material. A refrigerator will be used to store batteries
used in life support equipment; because of health and
food service regulations, food will not be stored in refrig-
11-10. Fitting Area Criteria.
The fitting area will be
well-lighted and have enough space so personnel may
be fitted with clothing and equipment being assigned to
them, i.e. survival vest, flight clothing, flight helmet, para-
chute harness, etc.
11-11. Tools and Special Repair Equipment.
ALSE items will be serviced and repaired in accordance
with applicable TM/TO. The required and authorized
tools and special repair equipment are found in the
Repair Parts and Special Tools List (RPSTL) of the appli-
cable TWO.
11-12. Training Equipment.
Most equipment used for
training can be returned to service, providing the equip-
ment is serviceable and can pass all inspection criteria
for that item, before it is returned to service. The excep-
tions are as follows:
All flotation equipment - these are to be marked
FOR TRAINING ONLY in accordance with TM
Sleeping bags - either those packed inside a 12
by 12 by 1 hard fiberglass container or the new
vacuum packed soft plastic package.
11-13. Temporary Storage of Life Support Equip
Equipment being stored is subject to dry rot,
rodent damage, mildew and other contamination. It is
important for the area to be environmentally controlled as
well as secured from pilferage.
a. Survival Kits.
Survival kits to be in temporary
storage will:
l Be inspected, repaired, and if needed, cleaned.
l Have components replaced if necessary.
l Have matches and pyrotechnics removed and
stored in accordance with post policy for units
operating within a military base, or local policy for
those units not operating on a military base.
l Have kits appropriately tagged with annotations
about items not in the kit being stored.
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