TM 1-1500-204-23-1
c. Flotation Equipment. Flotation equipment to be
put into storage will be stored in accordance with TM 5-
4220-202-1 4/T.O.14S-1-102.
d Pyrotechnics. Pyrotechnics will be stored in
accordance with post policy, if unit is operating on a
military post, or in accordance with local policy if unit
operates off a military base.
e. Oxygen Equipment. Oxygen equipment to be
put into storage in accordance with TM 55-1660-
24513/TO 15X-1-1.
f. New Equipment. All newly assigned ALSE
equipment prior to storage will be inspected upon receipt
from supply/individual turn-in, and prior to issue/reissue,
and then in accordance with TM 55-1680-317-23&P or the
applicable TM/TO for that piece of equipment.
11-14. Flight Clothing. Flight clothing consists of flight
coveralls, nomex flight jackets, nomex or leather flight
gloves, anti-exposure suits, flight helmet, and aircrew
body armor. Nylon flight jackets are no longer authorized
for flight duty use.
a. Inspection. Inspection of flight clothing, anti-
exposure suits, flight helmet, and aircrew body armor will
be in accordance with the applicable TM, TO, or NAVAIR.
b. Repair. Repair will be In accordance with TM
10-8400-201-23, General Repair Procedure for Clothing
and Inspection Equipment The applicable TM/TO, for the
item to be repaired, will be the damage repair criteria
c. Cleaning. Cleaning will be done in accordance
with the applicable TM/TO Clothing will not be returned to
unit supply, Repairable Exchange (RX) point, or salvage
points needing to be cleaned. Cleaning of all flight
clothing is the responsibility of the aircrew member The
ALSE technician will instruct the users in the proper use
and care of flight clothing. Table 11-2 gives references
for flight clothing.
11-15. Survival Kits. Survival kits currently are issued
only to individual aircrew personnel and only for the
climatic zone they will be operating in. The current
survival kits are' Individual Hot Climate, Individual Cold
Climate, Individual Overwater, and the Rigid Seat
Survival Kit (RSSK). The RSSK kit will contain only one
of the following climatic conditions: Hot Climate, Cold
Climate or Overwater Included are two types of survival
vest kits; the SRU-21 IP is used by all aircrew personnel
except OV-1 aircrews who wear the vest designed for the
OV-1 aircraft. Both types of vests come in two sizes; the
median chest size is 37 inches, and that determines which
size is to be used by the wearer The survival kits contain
items to support the aircrew personnel in a particular
environment, i e. , land, either Hot or Cold Climate, or
Overwater The Overwater kit contains a one man liferaft
This is the only kit that contains flotation equipment. The
survival vests ensure the individual will have a limited
amount of survival equipment. The vests are a
supplement to the survival kits. Individual underarm
flotation equipment is available to those aircrew personnel
who fly overwater and is worn with the vest. AR 95-1 and
AR 95-3 regulate the use of survival equipment for Army
aircraft and aircrews. Table 11-3 gives references for
survival kits.
a. Inspection. Inspection of the survival kits will be
in accordance with TM 55-1680-317-23&P, Army Aircraft
Survival Kit Maintenance Manual.
b. Repair. Repair/replacement will be in
accordance with TM 55-1680-317-23&P, and FM 10-16,
General Fabric Repair Most survival items will be required
to be replaced rather than repaired This is due to the
nature of packaging for the particular item or the shelf life.
The RSSK lid and lower container may be repaired in
accordance with TM 55-1500-204-25/1, using Parts Kit
Repair, Fiberglass NSN 1560-00-8569222. This Is for the
fiberglass repair of the container.
c. Cleaning. Clean survival kits using the following
(1) Clean the canvas inner or outer cases
using procedures. In TM 10-8400-201-23 for lightweight
load carrying equipment.
(2) Clean the RSSK lid and lower case using
soap and warm water; rinse with clean, warm water, and
dry with a clean cloth. On the lid, finish the drying
process by using compressed air to ensure no moisture
remains In the release mechanism.
(3) Empty the contents of all pockets of the
survival vest and remove any flotation equipment. Wash
the empty vest using soap and warm water. Rinse with
clean, warm water. Put vest on a hanger and air dry out
of direct sunlight. The vest may be machine washed
using a delicate wash cycle.