TM 1-1500-204-23-1
Bond the nozzle to the aircraft
before taking the dust cap off the nozzle and the cap off
the fill port. If the aircraft has a receiver for the bond
plug, use the plug, if not, clip the alligator clip to a bare
metal part of the aircraft.
Open the aircraft fill port and
remove the nozzle dust cap.
When using an open-port nozzle or the
CCR nozzle adapter, put the nozzle
well down into the port. Do not open
the nozzle until it is inside the fill port
When using the CCR nozzle, mate the
nozzle into the fill port. If they will not
latch together, look for dirt in the fill
port or on the nozzle. Wipe the fill
port out and clean the nozzle, then
mate the two together.
Refuel using procedures outlined
in FM 10-68.
Replace the cap on the fill port
disconnecting the nozzle bond.
Remove the nozzle bond plug or
undo the alligator clip Reel up the hose and nozzle Do not
drag the nozzle across the ground.
Undo the clip that grounds the
aircraft Replace the fire extinguisher used at the nozzle.
Release the clip on the ground
rod and reel up the grounding cable. Do not drag the
cable clips across the ground. If the refueling operation is
over and the refueler ground rod was used, pull the rod up
and stow it in the refueler. Replace the fire extinguisher
in the refueler.
Safety requirements. The following
safety requirements must be followed when refueling
Army aircraft.
· Do not allow any open flame, open-flame device,
or lighted smoking materials within 50 feet of an
aircraft refueling operation.
Personnel who refuel aircraft may not
carry lighters or matches on their
persons and must not allow anyone
else to carry a lighter or matches
within 50 feet of an aircraft that is
being refueled. Use of exposed-flame
heaters, welding or cutting torches,
and flare pots is forbidden within 50
feet of refueling operations.
· Do not allow electrically powered tools to be used
in the refueling area.
· Do not allow any metalworking tools to be used
within 50 feet of an aircraft being refueled.
· Do not use flashlights within 50 feet of the
refueling operation unless the lights are of the
approved explosion-proof type.
· Do not allow flashbulbs or electronic flash devices
to be used within 10 feet of refueling equipment
or the fill port or fuel tank vents of aircraft.
· Do not remove any piece of clothing while within
50 feet of a refueling operation or in an area
where a flammable vapor-air mixture may exist.
If fuel gets on clothing, leave the
refueling area as soon as refueling is
completed. Wet the clothes with
water before taking them off if there
is not enough water at the site to wet
yourself to a piece of grounded
equipment by taking hold of it with
both hands before taking off the fuel-
soaked clothes. A skin irritation
from fuel is not fatal, the fire that
may follow a static discharge from
clothes may be.
· Do not enter a flammable atmosphere right after
removing a garment. Wait at least 10 minutes
before carrying the garment into such an