TM 1-1500-204-23-1
Sudden Reduction in Engine RPM. When the
propeller or rotor strikes a small object which results in a
sudden reduction In engine rpm, the engine shall be
thoroughly checked using the following procedures:
Make a thorough external examination of
engine crankcase and nose section to determine
whether any parts have been damaged. When damage
is found which cannot be corrected by line maintenance,
remove engine.
Remove magnetic sump plugs, If present,
and engine oil screens or filters. Examine for presence
of metal particles.
Remove engine sump plugs, drain oil into
a clean container, strain through a clean cloth, and
examine cloth and strained oil for metal particles.
· Metal particles found In the sumps or
In oil screens or filters will not be
considered the results of an Internal
failure caused by sudden stoppage,
since the screens or filters are
located at the oil inlet to the engine.
Sudden stoppage, therefore, will not
permit circulation of the oil to the
extent that metal particles would be
deposited on the screens or filters.
· When heavy metal particles are
found In the oil, It indicates a definite
engine failure, and engine must be
removed. However, when metal
particles present are similar to fine
engine to determine its serviceability.
crankshaft, or propeller drive shaft on reduction-gear
engines, for misalignment.
Clamp a test indicator to nose section of
engine and remove front or outside spark plugs from all
cylinders on radial engines and top spark plugs on all
opposed engines.
Turn crankshaft and observe if crankshaft
or propeller shaft runs out at either front or rear propeller
cone seat location, as shown In figure 7-21.
· When there is runout of more than
0.015 inch full indicator reading of
crankshaft or propeller drive shaft at
front cone seat location, remove
engine. Even though runout of
crankshaft or propeller drive shaft at
front cone seat is less than 0 015
inch full indicator reading, examine
rear cone seat location.
· When any runout is found at rear
cone seat location, which Is not In
same plane as runout at front cone
seat location, remove engine.
· When crankshaft or propeller drive
shaft runout does not exceed these
limits, install serviceable propeller
and make an additional check by
tracking propeller at tip in same
rotation to assure that blade track
tolerance Is within limits.
Start engine and examine for smooth
operation and adequate power output. When engine
operates properly during this ground check, shut engine
off and again examine oil system for metal particles.
Figure 7-21. Checking Propeller Shaft Runout