TM 1-1500-204-23-2
(8) Adjust the pressure relief valve to relieve
pressure at approximately 200 psi above the system
pressure of the system under test.
(9) Open the flow control valves and proceed
with the test In accordance with the applicable aircraft
technical manual
(10) Following the test procedure, open the
bypass valve
(11) Close the flow control valves
(12) Allow the engine to cool as required by the
specific operating procedures
(13) Shut down test stand In accordance with
applicable operating procedures
(14) Disconnect couplings from aircraft and cap
Immediately to prevent contamination.
(15) Release parking brake and tow test stand
from work area
4-21. Conversion of Aircraft to Fire-Resistant
Hydraulic Fluid . Following are general guidelines for
conversion of Army aircraft from MIL-H-5606 to MIL-H-
83282 hydraulic fluid.
a. Hydraulic Fluid MIL-H-5606. MIL-H-5606 is a
petroleum base hydraulic fluid and IS presently specified
for use In some Army rotary wing and fixed wing aircraft
Because of its relatively low flashpoint of 200 °F (93 C),
It has been considered a safety hazard In an effort to
remove the vulnerability of aircraft systems and related
support equipment to accidental or combat-incurred
fires, hydraulic fluid MIL-H-83282 has been developed
as a directly interchangeable fluid which is significantly
less susceptible to fire, with a flashpoint of 400 °F
b. Hydraulic Fluid MIL-H-83282. MIL-H-83282
consists of a synthetic hydrocarbon base and contains
additives which provide superior anti-wear charac-
teristics and inhibit oxidation and corrosion. MIL-H-
83282 has an operational high temperature limit of
400°F (204 C) as compared to 275°F degrees (135 C)
for MIL-H-5606. These factors should provide sig-
nificantly improved reliability. Flashpoint, fire point, and
spontaneous ignition temperatures of MIL-H-83282 ex-
ceed that of MIL-H-5606 by greater than 200 °F (93 C),
and tests show that MIL-H-83282 extinguishes itself
when the external source of flame or heat is removed
MIL-H-83282 is compatible with all materials used in
systems presently employing hydraulic fluid MIL-H-
5606 and may be combined with the latter fluid with no
adverse effect except a degradation of Its fire resistant
properties. However, the presence of MIL-H-5606 in
amounts exceeding 3 percent by volume will com-
promise the fire resistant performance of MIL-H-83282.
Although MIL-H-83282 exceeds the performance of
MIL-H-5606 at normal temperatures, the viscosity of
MIL-H-83282 increases at low temperatures, therefore,
use of MIL-H-83282 must be within the limitations set
forth in paragraph 4-21f.
c. Applications of MIL-H-83282. The fire hazards
of MIL-H-5606 are greatest in flight control systems
which are under high pressure and which have a rela-
tively large volume of fluid The aircraft hydraulic sys-
tems and components shown in table 4-43 will be
converted from MIL-H-5606 to MIL-H-83282.
d. Non-Applicability of MIL-H-83282. The com-
ponents shown In table 4-44 will retain MIL-H-5606
hydraulic fluid. These components cannot be readily
serviced by field personnel or have not been tested for
MIL-H-83282. In the event that the temperature limita-
tions in paragraph b above are exceeded, field person-
nel will be unable to change these components from
MIL-H-83282 back to MIL-H-5606.
e. Conversion Procedures. Procedures will be
performed at Direct Support or higher levels of main-
tenance unless otherwise directed by reference to a
specific maintenance manual Refer to the applicable
aircraft Technical Manual or to TB 55-1500-334-25 for
specific conversion procedures
f. Operating Temperature Limitations. Although
MIL-H-83282 operates well under normal temperatures,
the viscosity of the fluid increases as the temperature
decreases Therefore, the minimum ambient operating
temperatures shown In table 4-45 have been estab-
lished for the use of MIL-H-83282. These temperatures
are based on a cloid soak of the hydraulic fluid at low
temperatures. Aircraft that are sheltered or pre-heated
prior to engine start should not have any problems with
stiff or sluggish flight controls. Unless the sheltered
areas are at or below the temperatures in table 4-45, the
viscosity of MIL-H-83282 will not create any difficulty.
Once the aircraft is started and warm, the hydraulic fluid
should stabilize within normal operating limits.