TM 1-1500-204-23-3
It is not necessary to preserve the fuel cells which will be fueled in 10 days or less.
PLIOCEL preservation. If the interior of the cell was not completely coated with the glycerine during
the cleaning process, coat the interior of fuel cell with a solution of equal parts of water and glycerine. This coating may
be applied by painting, spraying, fogging, or sloshing. Drain the excess glycerine solution prior to storage or shipment.
Preserve metal fittings with corrosion preventive compound, MIL-C-16173, grade 2. Cover all small openings with grade
A barrier material, MIL-B-121, and secure with tape, PPP-T-60. Install original cover plates on all access openings. If
cover plates are not available, install polyethylene-lined (L-P-378) plywood plates.
This operation should be done in a well ventilated room to avoid health and fire hazards.
Metal tank preservation. Using aromatic, fuel resistant lacquer, MIL-L-6047, slush the tank interior.
Thoroughly drain tank. Rotate as necessary to remove any puddles. Coating must be thin, without puddles.
Immediately start aerating tank with air heated to 120 °F (49 °C) for a minimum of 2 hours. Continue hot air circulation
until a firm thumb pressure will not move coating. Allow lacquer to completely cure in a warm dry atmosphere for a
minimum of 24 hours. Even when completely dry, this material has a tacky surface. Complete solvent evaporation must
be ensured. Otherwise, deterioration will occur when the lacquerfilm is exposed to fuel.
Handling. Fuel cells should not be handled any more than necessary. Observe the following procedures
for handling fuel cells:
Do not remove cells from original containers until needed for installation.
When a cell is uncrated for installation, retain crate for use in packing cell which is removed from
Cells provided with supporting ribs will have these ribs installed at all times, except when removed to
allow cells to be collapsed immediately prior to installation or removal. All cells not provided with ribs will have a
temporary wood brace fitted internally to support cell in normal position while in storage.
Do not lift or support cells by fittings.
Cells should be transported only on dollys or trucks.
Handle cells with extreme care to prevent their coming in contact with sharp or pointed objects or
abrasive surfaces.
Do not bend or fold cold cells. When cells have been stored at low temperatures, allow sufficient
time for cell materials to reach temperatures of approximately 70 °F (21 °C) before flexing.
Thoroughly inspect interior of fuel cell for dirt, foreign objects/material prior to installation of tank
Storage. Prepare the cleaned and preserved fuel cell for storage as follows:
Roll or fold flexible bladder type or Goodyear Nylon (Pliocel) fuel cells as smoothly as possible, and
place a roll of corrugated fiberboard, PPP-F-320, covered with polythylene sheeting, L-P-378, inside each fold or roll to
prevent creasing.
· Self-sealing fuel cells cannot be folded or collapsed for storage; however, they will be
wrapped in accordance with paragraph (a). Cells having suspension straps will be hung in a
cleated plywood box, PPP-B-601, or other suitable wooden box in the normal on aircraft
position with dunnage used to support this configuration. Cells not having suspension
straps must be supported inside and out with dunnage.
· Dunnage may consist of wood, fiberboard, PPP-P-291 or PPP-F-320, rubberized hard, PPP-
C-1 120, or foam plastics, PPP-C-850, MIL-P-26514. All dunnage will be wrapped with
polyethylene sheeting, L-P-378, or a similar plastic to prevent abrasion and contamination.
The dunnage will be so placed as to provide support for the fuel cells in the box in the on
aircraft configuration. All self-sealing fuel cells must be supported to prevent collapse and