TM 1-1500-204-23-3
Table 2-6. Serviceable Limits (Bladder-Type Cells)-CONT
Cell Exterior-continued
Mislocated, blistered, split, or weather-
Acceptable; missing tape to be replaced.
checked tape.
Blisters or looseness between labels or
decals and body of cell.
Weather checked or surface imperfections
Acceptable if fabric is not damaged or broken.
in outer ply or reinforcements.
Blistered, loose or missing lacquer coating.
Blisters between fitting flange and adjacent
Maximum dimension of 1/4 inch; maximum of
one per lineal foot and two per fitting provided
1-inch bond is maintained.
Delamination between plies.
Maximum dimension of 1 inch; average of one
per 5 square feet or area with maximum of five in
any one 5 square foot area; minimum 5-inch solid
bond between delamination.
Damaged grommets in accessories.
Acceptable provided serviceability is not affected.
Blisters between outer ply laps.
Maximum dimension of 1/4 inch; average one
per 5 lineal feet of splice with a maximum of
five in any one 5-foot length of splice.
Blisters between plies (in cell panels).
Maximum dimension of 1/4 inch; minimum 8-
inch bond between blisters and no more than
one per square foot of cell area.
Channels in outer ply laps.
Channels 1/4 inch wide running entire
length of lap.
Channels around entire edge of fitting flange.
Maximum of 1/8 inch around entire fitting flange.
Damage through any cord or fabric ply.
Not acceptable.
Rubber Face Fittings:
Gouges, splits, or indentation on the
Maximum depth of 1/16 inch by 1/16-inch
sealing surface.
maximum length.
Weather checking of surfaces other than
sealing surface.