TM 1-1500-204-23-3
1-1. Purpose. This volume provides general information
pertaining to the maintenance practices for fuel and oil
systems. Specific maintenance practices are found in the
individual aircraft maintenance manuals. This volume is
of maximum benefit to the mechanic who desires
information about fuel and oil identification,
contamination, handling, storage, and fuel and oil system
maintenance. This volume furnishes the mechanic a
source of information about how to perform various
mechanical functions which are used on all aircraft. This
volume is not a requisitioning authority, and applicable
repair parts and special tool lists should be consulted to
obtain the unit of issue and Federal Stock Number of the
items required for maintenance.
1-2. Scope. General information to guide aircraft
maintenance personnel is covered within this volume;
however, no attempt has been made to include special
parts or equipment which are applicable only to individual
or special aircraft.
1-3. Consumable Materials. Refer to TM 1-1500-204-
23-6 for consumable materials in this volume.
1-1/(1-2 blank)