TM 1-1500-204-23-3
Placard. A placard will be prepared and displayed on the outward (aisle side) of
each location. The placard will contain the following information: stock number, date of
manufacture, batch/lot number, and contract number.
Outside Storage. Drums stored outside will be stacked or nested horizontally. Filled 55-
gallon drums will be stored as outlined in DOD 4145.19-R-1, paragraph 5-704. Empty drums will
be stored in accordance with DOD 4145.19-R-1, paragraph 5707.
Preservation. Reciprocating engine oil systems are preserved by draining the oil and
refilling with MIL-C-6529, Type II oil. Refer to engine preservation procedures in TM 1-1500-
204-23-1. The preservation procedures for each type of turbine engine is specified in the
applicable aircraft maintenance manual.