TM 1-1500-204-23-9
(1) Determine the size of the cable to be tested and
the ambient air temperature. For this example, assume
that the cable is 1/8 inch in diameter, that it is a 7 x 19
cable, and the ambient air temperature is 85 °
(2) Follow the 85°
F line upward until it intersects
the curve for the 1/8-inch cable.
(3) Extend a horizontal line from this point of
intersection to the right edge of the chart. The value at
this point indicates the required tension to be
established on the cable. The required tension in this
example is 70 pounds.
e. Care. Observe the following practices for the care
and upkeep of cable tensiometers:
(1) Cable tensiometers are precision measuring
instruments. Exercise extreme care when handling
them, because some types of damage may render them
(2) Store tensiometers in separate boxes to
prevent damage.
7-4. Tumbuckle. Wrench. The tumbuckle wrench
shown in figure 7-8 is used for ease in adjusting
tumbuckle. It is a short bar curved on each end to fit the
body of a turnbuckle. Each curved surface has a short
steel peg which fits into the hole in the center of the
7-5. Valve Stem Fishing Tool. The valve stem fishing
tool, shown in figure 7-9, consists of a chain with a cap
fastened to one end and a small T-handle fastened to
the other end. The cap is threaded to fit a valve stem.
When replacing tires on wheels this tool is used in order
to prevent the valve stem from slipping inside the tire.
7-6. Valve Repair Tool. The valve repair tool shown in
figure 7-10 is used for reconditioning air valves. The tap
is used on the inside threads, and the die is used on the
outside threads. The end opposite the tap is designed
for removing and installing the valve core.
7-7. Cotter Pin Extractor. The cotter pin extractor,
shown in figure 7-11, is a steel bar with a curved taper
on one end and a curved wedge on the other.
Figure 7-7. Typical Cable Rigging Tension Chart
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