TM 1-1500-204-23-9
7-10. Flang Nut Wrench. Flang nut wrenches are
used to tighten nuts which secure tubing. The handle-
type nut wrench is shown in figure 7-15. When the
handle-type wrench shown in figure 7-15 is not
available, one may be fabricated by removing a section
of a box-end wrench allowing it to slip over the tubing.
In an emergency, an open-end wrench
may be used on brass or steel nuts, but
it is likely to round off corners and
distort the shape of an aluminum nut.
7-11. Lockwire Pliers. Lockwire pliers, shown in figure
7-16, are pliers which hold, twist, and cut. They are
designed to reduce the time used in twisting lockwire.
a. Operation. To apply lockwire with these pliers,
proceed as follows:
During twisting operation keep the wire
tight without over stressing it or allowing
it to become nicked, or otherwise
Figure 7-12. Mechanical Fingers
Figure 7-14. Telescoping Magnet
Figure 7-15. Flang Nut Wrench
Figure 7-13. Flexible Mechanical Fingers
Figure 7-16. Lockwire Pliers