TM 1-1500-204-23-9
Storage shall not be on floors below grade
and first tier of containers shall be laid at least 2 inches
above floor level to provide for suitable ventilation and
drainage. Sills shall be provided at openings to storage
areas, approximately 6 inches above floor.
Paint components and thinners packaged
in 55 gallon steel drums may be stored outdoors
provided containers are protected against rusting by
painting of bare metal areas and are set on dunnage so
as to provide approximately 2 inch clearance above
ground. Drums stored out of doors shall be laid on their
sides to protect loss of markings stencilled on the heads
through weathering action of rain, snow, and sun.
Handling of stock shall be conducted in a
manner to avoid damage to labels. Relabeling of drums
where labels have been obliterated may result in
mislabeling, with consequent incorrect use of waste of
contents. Drums with obliterated labels should be
properly discarded.
Care should be taken to assure protection
of the paint or components from moisture. Particular
care should be exercised to prevent water entering
containers as paint is opened.
Containers of paint shall be readily
accessible at all times. Other supplies shall not be
stacked on top of paint.
Containers shall be stored and issued in
order of dates of manufacture shown on respective
labels. Containers bearing oldest date shall be used
first. In the event that date of manufacture is not shown
on container, date of receipt shall be considered as
approximate date of manufacture for purpose of storage
and issue.
To give best results, temperature of paint
should be between 60 and 85 °F (18 and 29°C)at time of
use. Storage conditions that result in paint temperatures
below 55°F (13°C) or above 95°F (350C) require storage
of paint at room temperature for approximately 25 hours
prior to use.
In closed containers, temperature and
humidity will not affect the stability of either component
of two part coatings. Although the paint manufacturers
only guarantee two part coatings for one year, both
components will remain stable for 2 to 3 years, as long
as the component B, the catalyst portion, remains in
closed and sealed containers. Where it is necessary to
extract a portion of the component B, it should be done
in a cool location and the lid resealed as rapidly and as
tightly, as possible.
9-4. Reflectorlzing and Checkered Flags. Ground
support equipment and vehicles used on the flightline
and other areas where aircraft may be must be highly
visible for safety. The following paragraphs outline
reflectorizing or flag requirements and installation
location and procedures.
To insure high visibility during flight
line/airfield operations, all aircraft ground
support equipment (vehicle or pieces of
equipment used to direct support of
aircraft/airfield operations) will be striped
with reflectorized tape or will display a
white-orange checkered flag.
Reflectorized Tape Use. All non-tactical ground
support equipment (which is normally painted yellow)
will be outlined with reflective tape to insure high
visibility during lowlight level operations. Striping shall
be in accordance with materials and instructions
specified in paragraphs b and c.
Reflectorized Tape Location. Equipment shall
be marked in a manner to outline the entire piece of
equipment, so that during periods of low visibility the
entire outline of the equipment will be obvious. Outline
the equipment as follows:
accommodate 4 inch wide tape, use the
widest width possible.
Outline the equipment with 4 inch wide
silverwhite tape conforming to Federal Specification L-
S-300, NSN 9390-00-949-8047.
Compound surfaces (corners, large bolts,
rivets, etc. ) may be left unmarked.
Reflectorized Tape Installation. The following
procedures shall be used to apply reflectorizing
sheeting, Federal Specification L-S-300:
Clean surfaces of all loose scale and dirt
by brushing or applying cleaning compound, Federal
Specification P-C-437. Remove deposits of cleaning