TM 1-1500-204-23-9
Reciprocating Engines Operable.
Cleaning. Clean engine exteriors
with PD-680, Type II, dry cleaning solvent in accordance
with TM 1-1500-204-23-1. For cleaning air temperature
below 20°F use cleaning compound O-C-1889.
Systems. Completely drain engine cooling system
including radiator and block. Refill cooling system in
accordance with equipment publications. Test anti-
freeze for desired protection after running the engine
sufficiently to insure thermostat opening and thoroughly
mixing of coolant. Coat cooling system hoses with O-G-
491 glycerol.
Lubrication. Operate engine to
warm oil. Drain oil and clean or replace filter as
applicable. Service engine with clean oil to operating
level in accordance with the appropriate equipment
Intake System Gasoline Engine.
Drain fuel tank and add a mixture of 1 1/2 pints of MIL-
L21260, Type 1, grade 10 oil to one ounce W-G-800
gum preventative compound to five gallons of gasoline
(gasoline/oil mixture for two cycle engines). Start and
operate engine, varying rpm. After engine has warmed,
open throttle to approximately 2/3 operating rpm and
very slowly pour oil in engine and allow to cool. Seal all
openings with MIL-B-131, class 3, barrier material and
PPP-T-60, Type IV, class 1 tape.
Reciprocating Engines (Inoperable)
Cleaning. Clean inoperable engines
in accordance with paragraph 9-7e (4) (a).
Systems. Check anti-freeze solution for adequate
protection. If protection. If protection is not adequate,
completely drain cooling system and refill with the
appropriate anti-freeze indicated in paragraph 9-7e (4)
(b). The engine thermostat may have to be removed to
allow complete draining and insure refilling of the engine
block cooling jacket. Coat all hoses with O-G-491
Lubrication. Drain oil and clean or
replace oil filters as appropriate. Remove valve covers,
oil pan and covers from accessory drives. Spray all
accessed areas with MIL-L-6529 Type 2. Corrosion
preventative compound. Reinstall all covers with new
gaskets and tighten hold down nuts to specific torque
value. Remove all spark plugs and spray interior of
each cylinder with MIL-L-6529, Type 2, corrosion
preventative compound. Spray each cylinder with
piston at bot-
tom dead center. Proceed in firing order until all
cylinders have been treated. Without rotating crank
shaft, provide a final spray of all cylinders. Clean spark
plugs and reinstall. Seal all intake, exhaust vents, and
breather openings with MIL-B-131, class 3, barrier
material and PPP-T-60, Type 5, class 1, tape.
Turbine Engines. Clean and preserve
turbine engines in accordance with the applicable
equipment maintenance manual. Clean inlet area of
turbine engines of dirt and debris. Install intake and
exhaust covers and seal with MIL-B-131, class 3, barrier
material and PPP-T-60 Type 4, grade 1, tape.
Fuel Systems. Drain fuel tank, lines,
sediment bowl, and fuel filter. Clean or replace fuel
filter as appropriate. Remove corrosion from underside
of metal fuel caps and apply TT-P-664 primer. Inspect
metal fuel tanks for corrosion. If excessive corrosion is
present, treat in accordance TM 55-1500-344-23. After
inspection and/or treatment, fog interior of tank with
MIL-L6529, Type 2, corrosion preventative compound.
Air Cleaners.
Oil Bath. Clean and service oil bath
air cleaners in accordance with MIL-L-21260, Type 1,
grade 10 lubricating oil and seal the openings with MIL-
B-1 31, class 3 barrier material and PPP-T-60, Type 5,
class 1 tape.
Dry Type. Clean and/or replace
filters as appropriate. Seal all openings with MIL-B-131,
class 3 barrier material and PPP-T-60 Type 4, class 1
Exhaust Systems. Coat exposed portions
of exhaust system with MIL-C-16173, grade 3, corrosion
preventative compound, seal openings with MIL-B-131,
class 3, barrier material and PPP-T-60, Type 4, class 1
Ignition Systems. Lubricate distributor or
magnets as specified in equipment publication. Coat
electrical cables and leads with O-G-491 glycerol.
External Drives. Release tension on drive
belts. Clean pulleys and spray with TT-P-664 primer.
Coat exposed gears with MIL-C-16173, grade 3,
corrosion preventative compound.
(12) Gearboxes. Clean and treat exterior
surfaces of gearboxes in accordance with
paragraph 9-7e (1). Service to operating
level with the lubrication specified in the
applicable equipment publications.