NAVAIR 01-1A-505-2
004 02
TO 00-25-255-1
Page 4
TM 1-1500-323-24-2
Configurations available under Series 2 are identified
in Figure 3 along with the corresponding specification
sheets and part number breakdown.
8. PART NUMBER. The part number contains the
information necessary for the proper selection and
procurement and includes the following (Figure 2 and
Figure 7):
9. Prefix. The prefix denotes the military specification.
10. Shell Style. The shell style denotes the type of and
mounting of the connector.
11. Service Class. The class indicates the environment
resisting abilities.
12. Shell Size. The shell size is indicated by a
progressive lettering system (Table 1 and 2).
13. Insert Configuration. The insert configuration
denotes service rating and the number of contacts.
Figure 1. Ganged Contact Retention
14. Contact Style. The contact style denotes the type
of contact used.
band is not exposed. Metal to metal contact will occur
between the shell and retention ring, Unlocking
15. Alternate Key Position. The alternate position
contacts is accomplished by rotating the rear retention
ring counterclockwise (ccw) from the locked position.
same number can be mated.
The yellow color band will be fully exposed. Contacts
are inserted and removed from the rear of the
connector, however the removal tool releases the
and accessories are designed and constructed to
contact from the front (front release, rear removal and
withstand normal handling during installation and
insertion). Series 3 have a long shell design which are
scoop proof. Series 4 are a light-weight, short shell
design, which are also scoop proof. Neither series 3 or
17. INSERTS. The entire insert of the environment
4 employ the ganged contact retention mechanism, but
resisting assemblies is essentially one integral part
rather, the conventional contact locking and retention
designed to provide suitable sealing and support
around the wires and is non-removable
MIL-C-81511 SERIES 1 AND 2.
18. Rigid Dielectric. The rigid dielectric is one molded
Series 1 connectors are long shell design in sizes
piece or not more than two pieces bonded together.
8 through 24. These connectors are scoop proof when
The design is such that contacts are able to be inserted
pin contacts are installed in either the plug or
and removed to facilitate installation and maintenance
receptacle. Plugs contain the grounding spring
except `hermetic receptacles.
members. Configurations available under Series 1 are
identified in Figure 2, along with the corresponding
19. Contact Locking Device. The contact locking
specification sheets and part number breakdown.
devices are contained in the rigid dielectric and
securely hold the contacts during normal coupling. The
7. Series 2 connectors are short shell design in sizes 8
series 1 and 2 connectors employ a ganged retention
through 18, These connectors are scoop proof when
and release mechanism. Refer to paragraph 4 for the
pin contacts are installed in the receptacle, and non-
operation description and Figure 1 for the graphical
scoop proof when pins are installed in the plug.