NAVAIR 01-1A-505-3
TO 1-1A-14-3
TM 1-1500-323-24-3
1 September 2011
1. Isopropyl Alcohol (TT-I-735). Flammable and mildly toxic to eyes, skin, and respiratory tract.
Skin and eye protection is required. Avoid repeated and/or prolonged contact. Use only in well-
ventilated areas. Keep away from open flames or other sources of ignition. Poison by ingestion.
2. Flux (Mil-F-14256). Flux fumes during soldering may cause irritation to the eyes. Soldering flux
may also cause irritation to the skin and respiratory system. Containers may burst at elevated
temperatures. Avoid breathing vapors. Avoid skin and eye contact. Use only in well ventilated
areas. Keep away from heat, sparks, flames, and incompatible materials.
3. Lead, Solder (SNGOWRMAP3, or SN63WRMAP3). Poison by unspecified route. Skin, eye, and
respiratory irritant. Skin and eye protection required. Do not breathe smoke during soldering.
High temperatures may produce heavy metal fumes, dust, and/or vapor.