NAVAIR 01-1A-505-3
TO 1-1A-14-3
TM 1-1500-323-24-3
006 02
1 September 2011
Page 4
b. Press tool into slot and slide tool back until tip
b. Using M22520/2-01 crimp tool, crimp contact
opens and accepts wire.
to wire (NAVAIR 0l-lA-505-1, WP 013 00).
30. CONTACT INSERTION. Insert wired and
c. Push tool along wire and into contact cavity
unwired contacts in accordance with following
until it bottoms.
d. Press wire into shoulder end of slot and hold
a. Insert tip of contact and wire into specified
firmly in place.
contact cavity, ensuring contact and wire are axially
aligned with cavity.
e. Keeping tool axially aligned with contact, pull
tool, wire and contact from cavity (Figure 7).
INSTALLATION. If the connector is severely damaged
Present metal tooling in some instances has
or cannot be repaired using the above procedures,
damaged the wire sealing grommet at the end of
replace the connector as follows:
the connectors. Plastic tools are preferred.
a. Starting from outside of damaged connector,
Caution should be exercised in the use of tooling.
tag wires and remove all contacts from connector
(Paragraph 31). If contact cannot be removed, cut wire
Inspect tips of metal tools for distortion of probe
as close to connector as possible and attach new contact
before use as connector damage can occur.
(Paragraphs 28 and 29).
b. Push contact using M81969/1-04 insertion tool,
b. Starting from center of new connector, insert
into cavity until it bottoms and a click is heard (Figure
contact into correct cavity (Paragraph 30). Remove tag
from wire. Repeat step until all contacts are installed in
new connector.
31. CONTACT REMOVAL. Remove contacts from
connector in accordance with following procedure:
34. For buildup procedures for solder contacts refer to
NAVAIR 0l-lA-505-1, WP 016 00.
Metal tool tips are sharp and can cause injury to
personnel and/or damage to connectors.
a. Place wire of contact to be removed into slot of
M81969/1-04 removal tool with tapered end of tool
36. For connector cleaning and corrosion control
toward contact.
procedures refer to NAVAIR 0l-lA-505-1, WP 026 00
Present metal tooling in some instances has
damaged the wire sealing grommet at the end of the
connectors. Plastic tools are preferred.
Caution should be exercised in the use of tooling.
Inspect tips of metal tools for distortion of probe
before use as connector damage can occur.