NAVAIR 01-1A-505-3
TO 1-1A-14-3
TM 1-1500-323-24-3
011 02
1 September 2011
Page 2
2. This Work Package (WP) covers all pertinent data
As all NAVAIR connector and accessory
necessary for the maintenance and use of connectors
documents are transitioned to non-
manufactured in accordance with MIL-DTL-83513.
government standards, (the Society of
These are polarized shell, microminiature, rectangular
Automotive Engineers (SAE), will become
connectors, not intended for use in blind mating rack
the preparing activity and the Navy will adopt
and panel applications.
the documents), the drawing number prefix
will change from MS to AS. The main part
number designation remains the same, with
connectors (Figure 1) are either metal or plastic shell
the "M" prefix, such as M81511/17-08. At
times the entire item may be superseded by
solder contacts. They are capable of continuous
another. There are many cases where
operation within a temperature range of -67F (-55C)
documents have been cancelled without
to + 257F (+125C). Connectors can be front or rear
replacements, each case was reviewed and
mountable (front mounting preferred). MIL-DTL-
some information has been retained in this
83513 connectors are pre-wired/pre-pinned;
volume "for reference use only".
maintenance is limited to the installation and
connection of the wire or pin (for Printed Circuit
7. PART NUMBER. The following paragraphs
Board (PCB) connectors). For connection of the
contain information necessary for proper selection and
wires/pins refer to applicable connection method being
procurement of connector (Figure 2).
8. Specification Sheet. The specification sheet
denotes military standard (Table 1).
9. Insert Configuration. The insert configuration is
the insert arrangement by number and size of contacts
This document includes cadmium as a
plating material. The use of cadmium has
been restricted and/or banned for use in
10. Bell Finish. The shell finish denotes the exterior
many countries due to environmental and
finish for Class M connectors only.
health concerns. Consult applicable health
and environmental regulations regarding its
11. Wire Type. The wire type denotes the type of wire
use, handling and disposition.
used for the connector.
and accessories are designed and constructed to
Nickel plated parts are not for Navy, Air
withstand normal handling incidental to installation
Force, or new design use..
and maintenance.
13. CONNECTOR CLASS. There are two class
5. CONNECTOR SHELLS. The connector shells
connectors as follows:
are designed to positively retain the insert and so
14. Class M. Class M is used when there is exposure
constructed that the insert can not be removed.
to high humidity.
15. Class P. Class P is used in low humidity.
accomplished before engagement of pins or sockets.