TM 1-1510-262-10
b. The center Multi-Function Display (MFD), displays a Horizontal Situation Indicator with a compass rose in
a 360-degree rose or a 120 degree arc, primary/secondary course indicators with lateral deviation indicators, pri-
mary/secondary bearing pointers, distance to waypoint/station, heading, heading bug, and FMS heading bug. The
MFD can also display a map mode with a 360-degree or 120-degree view. Graphical information is displayed from
systems such as, Flight Management (FMS), Trafic Collision and Avoidance (TCAS), Terrain Awareness Warning
(TAWS), Weather RADAR, and Lightning Sensor System (LSS). Displayed in both HSI and map mode views are
True Airspeed (TAS), Ground Speed (GS), wind direction, wind speed, Total Air Temperature (TAT)/Static Air Tem-
perature (SAT), Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA), FMS To, Next, Destination
Waypoints, distance, and Estimated Time Enroute (ETE). Utilize the vendor s operator manual for system descrip-
tion and operation.
The digital integrated light control system (Fig. 3-5), provides light director guidance, autopilot, yaw damper, and
trim functions. The digital integrated light control system is an integrated fail passive autopilot/light director/air data
system which has a full complement of horizontal and vertical light guidance modes:
Radio guidance modes
Inertial navigation system tracking
Air data oriented vertical modes
The pilot can couple either the left or right Flight Management System (FMS) to the single automatic light control
system for control of the aircraft. The light control computer provides digital processing of heading, navigation,
and air data information to satisfy the pilot s requirements. The data is presented to the pilots on the Primary Flight
Display (PFD). The light control system displays heading, course, radio bearing, pitch and roll attitude, barometric
altitude, selected alert altitude, radio altitude, short and long range navigation, course deviation, glide slope devia-
tion, to-from indication, TACAN distance and course indications, and VOR - DME distance information. Display of
weather radar and lightning sensor system information on the center Multi-Function Display (MFD) is also provided.
Lighted annunciators on the pedestal denote selected light mode(s). Pitch and roll steering commands are dis-
played on the PFD. When engaged and coupled to the light director commands, the digital integrated light control
system will control the aircraft using the same commands displayed on the PFD. When engaged and not coupled
to the light director commands, manual pitch and roll commands may be inserted using the touch control steering
(TCS) switch on the pilot s or copilot s respective control wheel or the autopilot pitch wheel and turn knob located on